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 Gilgamesh [#25]'

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Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Gilgamesh [#25]' Empty
PostSubject: Gilgamesh [#25]'   Gilgamesh [#25]' Icon_minitimeMon 20 Apr 2009 - 23:16

My attacks
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the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=1896&show
Time: Sat 04/18/09 17:46:52
Total power lost for defender (including land): 261,520
% lost for defender: 1
Total power lost for attacker: 1,860,000
% lost for attacker: 18

Attack Gilgamesh [#25] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]
Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
20 Nidhoggs 334779(+33.91%) 360000(+0.00%) 50000 45(+12.50%) 70(+8.08%) 152595(-10.24%) Normal

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A pack of Halwen Spectre 7390 5610 600 48 53 3379
A few Draug 303552 150000 15000 38 68 134091
A pack of Magmademons 13269 4000 800 38 50 2950
A few Death Knights 11795 7500 2400 38 52 7151
A pack of Ice Hexes 10714 6600 1200 43 57 3699
A pack of Storm Giant 5714 7000 500 45 50 3352
A horde of Winged Serpents 410 0 20 38 45 214
A horde of Mammoth Maggot 295 0 25 38 45 107
A horde of Dream Thieves 180 0 0 36 45 90

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Necromantids ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them

Gilgamesh [#25] [#25] is affected by the wonder Zephyrian Aviary

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Gilgamesh makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Gilgamesh used the ability Inspiration
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Gilgamesh used the ability Frenzy
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Thomas Hobbes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Thomas Hobbes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Thomas Hobbes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Nidhoggs resisted.
Nidhoggs resisted.
Nidhoggs resisted.
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Nydeliviel the Visionary makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Nydeliviel the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Nydeliviel the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Nydeliviel the Visionary used the ability Optican
Nidhoggs resisted.
Nidhoggs resisted.
Nidhoggs resisted.
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Omnius the Champion makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Omnius the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Omnius the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Emperor the Filth Dealer makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Emperor the Filth Dealer used the ability Swamp Walker
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero Emperor the Filth Dealer used the ability Dissolve
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero RazorBlade the Mountaineer makes his attack!
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero RazorBlade the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Gilgamesh [#25] [#25]'s hero RazorBlade the Mountaineer used the ability Ice shield
Your heroes believe this attack is a suicide mission and refuse to lead your army.
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Halwen Spectre
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25] has enchantment Mountain Strength
Gilgamesh [#25] has enchantment Maggot Infestation
Gilgamesh [#25] has enchantment Halwen TransformationSome higher power is watching over the Halwen Spectres
Halwen Spectre had its unitattacktype2 changed to P.B mod:.B
Halwen Spectre had its dodge changed to 53 mod:-4
Halwen Spectre had its unitstrenght2 changed to 5610 mod:1.1
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
None of your allies bothered to help you.
I Want You [#9] sent you 21589 Dream Thieves

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs hits Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Draug hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Magmademons hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Death Knights couldn't reach anyone!
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Ice Hexes hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Winged Serpents hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Mammoth Maggot couldn't reach anyone!
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Dream Thieves hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs

The battle begins!

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Draug attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25].'s Draug attack failed
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Draug
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attack failed.

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Ice Hexes attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Ice Hexes kills 1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attacks Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 292 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre retaliates against the Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre attack failed.

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attacks Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 55 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre retaliates against the Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre attack failed.

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant kills 5 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Magmademons attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Magmademons kills 1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre kills 2 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 3 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Dream Thieves attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Dream Thieves kills 1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Dream Thieves
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 702 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Dream Thieves

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant kills 2 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre kills 5 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attack failed.

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Winged Serpents attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Winged Serpents kills 1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Winged Serpents
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 26 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Winged Serpents

Gilgamesh [#25]'s Draug attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Gilgamesh [#25]'s Draug kills 2 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
Nidhoggs stumbles and fails to strike back

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 20 Nidhoggs.
Defender's results
Gilgamesh [#25]'s lost 270 Halwen Spectre.
9 of Gilgamesh [#25]'s Halwen Spectre are healed after battle
Gilgamesh [#25]'s lost 26 Winged Serpents.
Gilgamesh [#25]'s lost 702 Dream Thieves.
You attacked with full force, but Gilgamesh [#25] kicked your ass!
20 of your 20 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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