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 TheKingofHearts [#12]

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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

TheKingofHearts [#12] Empty
PostSubject: TheKingofHearts [#12]   TheKingofHearts [#12] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2009 - 22:22

My attacks
Let opponent see report
Let guild see report
Let following mages see report (comma separated numbers or 'ALL')

the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=1288&show
Time: Tue 04/14/09 20:39:43
Total power lost for defender (including land): 713,901
% lost for defender: 12
Total power lost for attacker: 268,361
% lost for attacker: 3

Attack TheKingofHearts [#12] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
36605 Likurian Thinkers 303(+68.75%) 0 30 26(-27.68%) 59(-1.67%) 129(-7.75%) Normal
727 Magmademons 14889(+65.44%) 4000(+0.00%) 800 26(-27.68%) 49(-2.00%) 2907(-11.90%) Normal
593 Ice Hexes 12164(+62.20%) 6600(+0.00%) 1200 37(+4.83%) 55(+11.80%) 4073(+1.85%) Normal

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Death Knights 8744 7500 2400 27 55 8364
A few Magmademons 9000 4000 800 36 50 3300

TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] is affected by the wonder Necropolis of E´bz

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith makes his attack!
3 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are killed
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Frenzy
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion makes his attack!
1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes are killed
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion used the ability Inspiration
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Ice shield
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
Death Knights resisted.
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger makes his attack!
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim makes his attack!
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Likurian Thinkers
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Magmademons
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Item /Spell
TheKingofHearts [#12] used the item Camo Paintbox
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] finshed using the item Camo Paintbox
TheKingofHearts [#12] Cast Mist of winter

Fierabras (#5)'s Item /Spell
Fierabras (#5) used the item Camo Paintbox
You tried to cast Camo Paintbox , TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] land blocked your item
Fierabras (#5) [#5] finshed using the item Camo Paintbox
Fierabras (#5) Cast Dart of filth
17 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights are killed
None of your allies bothered to help you.
Knave of Spades [#43] sent you 431 Magmademons

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons

The battle begins!

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 79 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes kills 21 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 35 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons kills 64 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights kills 2365 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 6 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights kills 2087 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 5 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons kills 111 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes kills 41 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 3 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 4452 Likurian Thinkers.
165 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 178 Magmademons.
6 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 1 Ice Hexes.
Defender's results
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 212 Death Knights.
You attacked TheKingofHearts [#12] , and won the fight
4460 of your 37925 units were killed
You gained 86 and destroyed 172 Land.
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

TheKingofHearts [#12] Empty
PostSubject: Re: TheKingofHearts [#12]   TheKingofHearts [#12] Icon_minitimeMon 20 Apr 2009 - 23:15

My attacks
Let opponent see report
Let guild see report
Let following mages see report (comma separated numbers or 'ALL')

the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=1894&show
Time: Sat 04/18/09 17:41:20
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,327,363
% lost for defender: 11
Total power lost for attacker: 1,409,378
% lost for attacker: 10

Attack TheKingofHearts [#12] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
24 Nidhoggs 348305(+39.32%) 360000(+0.00%) 50000 52(+30.00%) 70(+8.08%) 129706(-23.70%) Flank
1755 Magmademons 15879(+76.44%) 4000(+0.00%) 800 39(+9.44%) 49(-2.00%) 3422(+3.72%) Normal
63699 Acid Beasts 330(+83.57%) 0(+0.00%) 10 39(+9.44%) 44(-1.11%) 132(+1.65%) Normal
1321 Ice Hexes 12469(+66.26%) 6600(+0.00%) 1200 44(+23.33%) 55(+11.80%) 3987(-0.30%) Normal
60257 Likurian Thinkers 330(+83.57%) 0(+0.00%) 30 39(+9.44%) 58(-3.33%) 139(-0.34%) Normal

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Nagas 9065 9000 2000 43 55 6000
A few Death Knights 10833 7500 2400 36 55 8662
A horde of Shadows 84 0 12 42 49 64
A pack of Storm Giant 4532 7000 500 43 52 3700
A horde of Mammoth Maggot 248 0 25 37 47 129

TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] is affected by the wonder Necropolis of E´bz

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith makes his attack!
146 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are killed
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Gieria the Mastersmith used the ability Frenzy
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion makes his attack!
126 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are killed
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion used the ability Inspiration
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Erak the Filth Dealer makes his attack!
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Erak the Filth Dealer used the ability Swamp Walker
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Erak the Filth Dealer used the ability Dissolve
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Erak the Filth Dealer used the ability Fire shield
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Planeswalker makes his attack!
3 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are killed
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Swordmage the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Astarte the Pilgrim makes his attack!
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12]'s hero Astarte the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom makes his attack!
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer makes his attack!
232 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Ice shield
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
278 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
2 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are killed
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant are killed
334 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows are killed
Nagas resisted.
2 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are killed
2 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are killed
Nagas resisted.
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner makes his attack!
1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger makes his attack!
3 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Adding Healing ability to
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Nidhoggs
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Item /Spell
TheKingofHearts [#12] used the item Sticky Gue
TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] finshed using the item Sticky Gue
TheKingofHearts [#12] Cast Mental Quagmire

Fierabras (#5)'s Item /Spell
Fierabras (#5) used the item Acid spraycan
You tried to cast Acid spraycan , TheKingofHearts [#12] [#12] land blocked your item
Fierabras (#5) [#5] finshed using the item Acid spraycan
Fierabras (#5) Cast Dart of filth
You tried to cast Dart of filth , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s army laughs at you
Arthas [#24] doesn't have any army to spare
No one bothered to help TheKingofHearts [#12].

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers hits TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights hits Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows hits Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant hits Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers

The battle begins!

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas kills 293 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant kills 2 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows kills 167 of Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows's comes out in the open.
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes retaliates against the Shadows
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes kills 2116 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows

Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes kills 115 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant
Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Storm Giant to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 100 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Death Knights to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts kills 32117 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Shadows
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Shadows to strike back

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights kills 5828 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts retaliates against the Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts kills 2 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights kills 4071 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts retaliates against the Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts kills 1 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Death Knights

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas kills 230 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 167 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas

Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas uses first strike against the Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas attack failed
Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs kills 62 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant kills 2 of Fierabras (#5)'s Nidhoggs
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 29722 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Mammoth Maggot to strike back

TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Mammoth Maggot kills 3747 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 4 Nidhoggs.
Fierabras (#5) lost 526 Magmademons.
19 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 10171 Acid Beasts.
380 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 167 Ice Hexes.
6 of Fierabras (#5)'s Ice Hexes are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 3747 Likurian Thinkers.
140 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Defender's results
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 237 Nagas.
16 of TheKingofHearts [#12]'s Nagas are healed after battle
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 103 Death Knights.
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 35077 Shadows.
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 119 Storm Giant.
TheKingofHearts [#12]'s lost 29722 Mammoth Maggot.
You attacked with full force, but TheKingofHearts [#12] kicked your ass!
14070 of your 127056 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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TheKingofHearts [#12]
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