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 Void [#118]'

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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Void [#118]' Empty
PostSubject: Void [#118]'   Void [#118]' Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2009 - 0:46

My attacks
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the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=1156&show
Time: Mon 04/13/09 21:39:59
Total power lost for defender (including land): 935,409
% lost for defender: 18
Total power lost for attacker: 179,556
% lost for attacker: 3

Attack Void [#118] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
23906 Likurian Thinkers 313(+73.99%) 0 30 39(+9.44%) 58(-3.33%) 115(-17.73%) Normal
469 Magmademons 15050(+67.23%) 4000(+0.00%) 800 39(+9.44%) 49(-2.00%) 3330(+0.93%) Normal
17022 Acid Beasts 313(+73.99%) 0(+0.00%) 10 39(+9.44%) 44(-1.11%) 132(+1.57%) Normal
996 Storm Giant 4000(-100.00%) 7000(-100.00%) 500 40(-100.00%) 50(-100.00%) 3750(-100.00%)

Void [#118]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Horde Fiend 5760 9000 3000 42 50 7500
A pack of Salamanders 2400 1500 400 36 45 1000
A few Cockatrice 1152 1400 120 36 45 1000
A pack of Werewolves 211 125 50 36 45 180
A few Cavern Crawlers 768 1400 120 36 45 810
A pack of Fireflies 115 0 20 36 45 55
A few Marrow Reapers 672 600 150 41 47 750

Void [#118]'s Likurian Riders ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Void [#118]'s Likurian Thinkers ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Void [#118]'s Mammoth Maggot ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Void [#118] [#118]'s hero Prodush the Visionary makes his attack!
72 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are killed
Void [#118] [#118]'s hero Prodush the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Void [#118] [#118]'s hero The Wanderer the Mastersmith makes his attack!
159 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are killed
Void [#118] [#118]'s hero The Wanderer the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom makes his attack!
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer makes his attack!
20 of Void [#118]'s Cockatrice are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Ice shield
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
1 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Horde Fiend resisted.
Horde Fiend resisted.
22 of Void [#118]'s Cockatrice are killed
Horde Fiend resisted.
13 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders are killed
135 of Void [#118]'s Werewolves are killed
1 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner makes his attack!
11 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
12 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger makes his attack!
1 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim makes his attack!
1 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Adding Healing ability to Werewolves
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Cavern Crawlers
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Likurian Thinkers
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght

Fierabras (#5)'s Item /Spell
Fierabras (#5) used the item Coal Spark
3 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are killed
24 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders are killed
50 of Void [#118]'s Cockatrice are killed
243 of Void [#118]'s Werewolves are killed
96 of Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers are killed
1162 of Void [#118]'s Fireflies are killed
57 of Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5] finshed using the item Coal Spark
Fierabras (#5) Cast Mind Blast
Horde Fiend resisted.
Salamanders resisted.
62 of Void [#118]'s Cockatrice are killed
258 of Void [#118]'s Werewolves are killed
53 of Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers are killed
1147 of Void [#118]'s Fireflies are killed
Marrow Reapers resisted.
zwig [#22] sent you 996 Storm Giant

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers hits Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons hits Void [#118]'s Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts hits Void [#118]'s Cockatrice
Fierabras (#5)'s Storm Giant hits Void [#118]'s Werewolves
Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Salamanders hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Void [#118]'s Cockatrice hits Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
Void [#118]'s Werewolves hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Fireflies hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers

The battle begins!

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 101 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Horde Fiend to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts attacks Void [#118]'s Cockatrice
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts kills 148 of Void [#118]'s Cockatrice
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Cockatrice to strike back

Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers kills 475 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Cavern Crawlers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 135 of Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks Void [#118]'s Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 611 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Salamanders to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Storm Giant attacks Void [#118]'s Werewolves
Fierabras (#5)'s Storm Giant kills 1700 of Void [#118]'s Werewolves
Fierabras (#5)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Werewolves to strike back

Void [#118]'s Salamanders attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Void [#118]'s Salamanders kills 15 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons retaliates against the Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 27 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders

Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers kills 91 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Cavern Crawlers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 91 of Void [#118]'s Cavern Crawlers

Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend kills 3215 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Horde Fiend
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 6 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend

Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend kills 2346 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Horde Fiend
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 5 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend

Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers kills 342 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Marrow Reapers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 62 of Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers

Void [#118]'s Fireflies attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Fireflies kills 154 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Fireflies
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 753 of Void [#118]'s Fireflies

Void [#118]'s Salamanders attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Void [#118]'s Salamanders kills 8 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons retaliates against the Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 25 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks Void [#118]'s Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 123 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Salamanders to strike back

Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers kills 205 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Marrow Reapers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 43 of Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 6900 Likurian Thinkers.
254 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 23 Magmademons.
Fierabras (#5) lost 159 Acid Beasts.
5 of Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are healed after battle
Defender's results
Void [#118]'s lost 119 Horde Fiend.
2 of Void [#118]'s Horde Fiend are healed after battle
Void [#118]'s lost 846 Salamanders.
15 of Void [#118]'s Salamanders are healed after battle
Void [#118]'s lost 302 Cockatrice.
Void [#118]'s lost 2336 Werewolves.
Void [#118]'s lost 375 Cavern Crawlers.
Void [#118]'s lost 3062 Fireflies.
Void [#118]'s lost 162 Marrow Reapers.
2 of Void [#118]'s Marrow Reapers are healed after battle
You attacked Void [#118] , and won the fight
6823 of your 41397 units were killed
You gained 84 and destroyed 166 Land.
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Void [#118]'
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