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 Caleb [#120]

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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Caleb [#120] Empty
PostSubject: Caleb [#120]   Caleb [#120] Icon_minitimeSat 11 Apr 2009 - 21:04

My attacks
Let opponent see report
Let guild see report
Let following mages see report (comma separated numbers or 'ALL')

the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=862&show
Time: Sat 04/11/09 03:50:34
Total power lost for defender (including land): 796,151
% lost for defender: 18
Total power lost for attacker: 59,357
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack Caleb [#120] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
31953 Likurian Thinkers 291(+61.67%) 0 30 46(+28.13%) 54(-9.13%) 120(-13.91%) Normal
165 Death Knights 11272(+40.91%) 11250(+50.00%) 2400 36(+1.11%) 49(-1.30%) 6887(-13.91%) Normal

Caleb [#120]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Danskan Battlemagi 2859 2000 300 35 40 1350
A few Wrathwinds 1429 4000 300 41 47 1700
A pack of Knights 285 0 40 36 40 230

Caleb [#120]'s Archers ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Caleb [#120]'s Peasants ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra makes his attack!
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra used the ability Lullaby
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra used the ability Enchanter
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom makes his attack!
5 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer makes his attack!
7 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
8 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
10 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
11 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
10 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
9 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
135 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
11 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner makes his attack!
6 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
9 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Likurian Thinkers
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Death Knights
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght

Fierabras (#5)'s Item /Spell
Fierabras (#5) used the item Manual of Specialities
Fierabras (#5) [#5] finshed using the item Manual of Specialities
Fierabras (#5) Cast Holy Power
17 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
Wrathwinds resisted.
203 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
None of your allies bothered to help you.

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers hits Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights hits Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds hits Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights
Caleb [#120]'s Knights hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers

The battle begins!

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 794 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Danskan Battlemagi to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds kills 14 of Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights kills 13 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds

Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights attacks Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Death Knights gets diseased by Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights kills 105 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds retaliates against the Death Knights
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attack failed.

Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights attacks Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Death Knights gets diseased by Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights kills 64 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds retaliates against the Death Knights
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attack failed.

Caleb [#120]'s Knights attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Knights kills 781 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 798 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights

Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi kills 318 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi's comes out in the open.
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are too far away for the Likurian Thinkers to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds kills 1 of Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Death Knights kills 11 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds

Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi kills 259 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi's comes out in the open.
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are too far away for the Likurian Thinkers to strike back

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 1358 Likurian Thinkers.
49 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Fierabras (#5) lost 15 Death Knights.
Defender's results
Caleb [#120]'s lost 862 Danskan Battlemagi.
24 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are healed after battle
Caleb [#120]'s lost 228 Wrathwinds.
6 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are healed after battle
Caleb [#120]'s lost 1136 Knights.
31 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are healed after battle
You attacked Caleb [#120] , and won the fight
1324 of your 32118 units were killed
You gained 80 and destroyed 158 Land.
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Caleb [#120] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Caleb [#120]   Caleb [#120] Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2009 - 0:45

My attacks
Let opponent see report
Let guild see report
Let following mages see report (comma separated numbers or 'ALL')

the URL to this page is: http://thefivepillars.org/normal/my_attacks.php?attackID=1154&show
Time: Mon 04/13/09 21:37:55
Total power lost for defender (including land): 884,249
% lost for defender: 16
Total power lost for attacker: 234,960
% lost for attacker: 3

Attack Caleb [#120] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Fierabras (#5)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
705 Magmademons 14175(+57.51%) 4000(+0.00%) 800 39(+9.44%) 46(-7.88%) 3330(+0.93%) Normal
27333 Likurian Thinkers 313(+73.90%) 0(+0.00%) 30 37(+4.53%) 54(-9.13%) 142(+1.57%) Normal
21217 Acid Beasts 313(+73.90%) 0(+0.00%) 10 39(+9.44%) 44(-1.11%) 132(+1.57%) Normal

Caleb [#120]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A pack of Wrathwinds 1446 4000 300 34 47 1700
A pack of Knights 289 0 40 30 40 230
A few Danskan Battlemagi 2892 2000 300 29 40 1350
A few Mind Flayers 8676 6000 750 30 52 5000
A few Psychic Beholders 1542 800 240 30 49 1200
A pack of Archers 106 0 0 30 40 60

Caleb [#120]'s Peasants ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them

Fierabras (#5) [#5] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra makes his attack!
166 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are killed
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra used the ability Lullaby
Caleb [#120] [#120]'s hero Calyndra used the ability Enchanter
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom makes his attack!
6 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Armorer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Dom used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer makes his attack!
91 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Emperor the Mountaineer used the ability Ice shield
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer makes his attack!
8 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Jes the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
97 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
133 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
137 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Wrathwinds resisted.
11 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
131 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Wrathwinds resisted.
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner makes his attack!
7 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Gwurka the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
89 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Balance the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger makes his attack!
130 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Xavier the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim makes his attack!
114 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
Fierabras (#5) [#5]'s hero Maeczik the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Fierabras (#5) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght

Fierabras (#5)'s Item /Spell
Fierabras (#5) used the item Camo Paintbox
Fierabras (#5) [#5] finshed using the item Camo Paintbox
Fierabras (#5) Cast Holy Power
7 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are killed
258 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights are killed
19 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi are killed
Mind Flayers resisted.
37 of Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders are killed
1108 of Caleb [#120]'s Archers are killed
None of your allies bothered to help you.

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons hits Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers hits Caleb [#120]'s Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts hits Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Knights hits Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers
Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi hits Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts
Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Archers hits Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons

The battle begins!

Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds kills 133 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons retaliates against the Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 14 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds

Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers kills 13 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers kills 10 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks Caleb [#120]'s Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 6143 of Caleb [#120]'s Knights
Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Knights to strike back

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Magmademons gets diseased by Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 203 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Wrathwinds to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders kills 7 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts attacks Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts kills 448 of Caleb [#120]'s Danskan Battlemagi
Fierabras (#5)'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Danskan Battlemagi to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds kills 64 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons retaliates against the Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 6 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds

Caleb [#120]'s Archers attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Archers kills 5 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Archers are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders attacks Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Caleb [#120]'s Psychic Beholders kills 4 of Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons attacks Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Magmademons gets diseased by Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons kills 24 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds
Fierabras (#5)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Wrathwinds to strike back

Attacker's results:
Fierabras (#5) lost 236 Magmademons.
Fierabras (#5) lost 166 Likurian Thinkers.
6 of Fierabras (#5)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Defender's results
Caleb [#120]'s lost 286 Wrathwinds.
4 of Caleb [#120]'s Wrathwinds are healed after battle
Caleb [#120]'s lost 7323 Knights.
Caleb [#120]'s lost 467 Danskan Battlemagi.
Caleb [#120]'s lost 37 Psychic Beholders.
Caleb [#120]'s lost 1108 Archers.
17 of Caleb [#120]'s Archers are healed after battle
You attacked Caleb [#120] , and won the fight
396 of your 49255 units were killed
You gained 91 and destroyed 180 Land.
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Caleb [#120]
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