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 Galadriel (#28)

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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Galadriel (#28) Empty
PostSubject: Galadriel (#28)   Galadriel (#28) Icon_minitimeSat 11 Apr 2009 - 21:01

Alert! You were attacked by Galadriel (#28) of The Paradigm Guild!
Galadriel (#28) lost 793 Clockwork Dragons.
26 of Galadriel (#28)'s Clockwork Dragons are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 1714 Cockatrice.
135 of Galadriel (#28)'s Cockatrice are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 1605 Rox.
126 of Galadriel (#28)'s Rox are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 2757 Fireflies.
217 of Galadriel (#28)'s Fireflies are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 1542 Faeries.
229 of Galadriel (#28)'s Faeries are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 162 Death Knights.
8 of Fierabras [#5]'s Death Knights are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 10484 Likurian Thinkers.
522 of Fierabras [#5]'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 14293 Acid Beasts.
712 of Fierabras [#5]'s Acid Beasts are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 353 Magmademons.
17 of Fierabras [#5]'s Magmademons are healed after battle
You were attacked by Galadriel (#28) but you kicked his ass!
You killed 7678 of Galadriel (#28)'s 187434 Units
You were attacked, but were able to defend yourself with grace
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Galadriel (#28) Empty
PostSubject: Re: Galadriel (#28)   Galadriel (#28) Icon_minitimeTue 14 Apr 2009 - 0:43

Alert! You were attacked by Galadriel (#28) of The Paradigm Guild!
Galadriel (#28) lost 1299 Rox.
102 of Galadriel (#28)'s Rox are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 687 Clockwork Dragons.
23 of Galadriel (#28)'s Clockwork Dragons are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 2797 Cockatrice.
220 of Galadriel (#28)'s Cockatrice are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 50278 Fireflies.
3963 of Galadriel (#28)'s Fireflies are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 15754 Faeries.
1635 of Galadriel (#28)'s Faeries are healed after battle
Galadriel (#28) lost 847 Ornithopters.
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 47273 Acid Beasts.
2061 of Fierabras [#5]'s Acid Beasts are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 13578 Likurian Thinkers.
592 of Fierabras [#5]'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 384 Magmademons.
16 of Fierabras [#5]'s Magmademons are healed after battle
Fierabras [#5]'s lost 118 Ice Hexes.
5 of Fierabras [#5]'s Ice Hexes are healed after battle
You were attacked by Galadriel (#28) but you kicked his ass!
You killed 65719 of Galadriel (#28)'s 240691 Units
You were attacked, but were able to defend yourself with grace
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Galadriel (#28)
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