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 Concolor Linnaeus [#38]

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Number of posts : 13
Age : 43
Registration date : 2009-04-06

Concolor Linnaeus [#38] Empty
PostSubject: Concolor Linnaeus [#38]   Concolor Linnaeus [#38] Icon_minitimeTue 7 Apr 2009 - 3:24

Time: Tue 04/07/09 02:06:54
Total power lost for defender (including land): 451,667
% lost for defender: 11
Total power lost for attacker: 67,340
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack Concolor Linnaeus [#38] [ | | ||]

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints Tactic
107 Death Knights 8744(+9.31%) 7500(+0.00%) 2400 32(-10.00%) 52(+5.00%) 8100(+1.25%) Stand
225 Mind Flayers 10223(+13.60%) 6000(+0.00%) 750 35(-1.67%) 51(+2.90%) 5000(+0.00%) Normal
278 Storm Giant 4634(+15.87%) 7000(+0.00%) 500 42(+5.00%) 49(-2.00%) 3750(+0.00%) Normal
11629 Mammoth Maggot 196(+9.31%) 0(+0.00%) 25 32(-10.00%) 45(+0.00%) 120(+0.00%) Normal
108 Nagas 8744(+9.31%) 9000(+0.00%) 2000 38(-10.00%) 52(+5.00%) 6000(+0.00%) Normal

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Horde Fiend 5616 9000 3000 37 50 7875
A pack of Acid Beasts 168 0 10 36 45 136
A few Magmademons 8424 4000 800 36 50 3465

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Concolor Linnaeus [#38] [#38]'s hero Pumacus Maximus makes his attack!
152 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mammoth Maggot are killed
Concolor Linnaeus [#38] [#38]'s hero Pumacus Maximus used the ability Pyrotech
Concolor Linnaeus [#38] [#38]'s hero Pumacus Maximus used the ability Fire shield
Mind Flayers resisted.
Storm Giant resisted.
Storm Giant resisted.
Death Knights resisted.
Mind Flayers resisted.
1 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights are killed
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Uniravia the Pilgrim makes his attack!
148 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts are killed
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Uniravia the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Naraithis the Mountaineer makes his attack!
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Naraithis the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Solarin the Jester makes his attack!
1 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Solarin the Jester used the ability Distract
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Vraol the Executioner makes his attack!
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Vraol the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Rogdush the Pyromancer makes his attack!
2 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Rogdush the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57]'s hero Rogdush the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
1 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Horde Fiend resisted.
2 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
1 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
1 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are killed
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Death Knights
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Death Knights
Adding Healing ability to Nagas

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Item /Spell
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) used the item Old Shoe
You tried to cast Old Shoe , Concolor Linnaeus [#38] [#38] land blocked your item
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) [#57] finshed using the item Old Shoe
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) Cast Mental drowse
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help Concolor Linnaeus [#38].

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights hits Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers hits Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant hits Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mammoth Maggot hits Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Nagas hits Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend hits BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts hits BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons hits BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant

The battle begins!

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Nagas attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Nagas kills 7 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant kills 20 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights kills 3 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Death Knights
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend kills 1 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts attacks BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts kills 24 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Mind Flayers to strike back

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons attacks BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons kills 15 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Storm Giant to strike back

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers kills 963 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Acid Beasts to strike back

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers kills 2167 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Acid Beasts
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Acid Beasts to strike back

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant kills 37 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend attacks BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend kills 2 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend attacks BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend kills 2 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights attack failed.

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Nagas attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Nagas kills 11 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Death Knights kills 5 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Death Knights
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend attack failed.

Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons attacks BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons kills 7 of BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Storm Giant
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Storm Giant to strike back

BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 10 of Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s Horde Fiend are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Attacker's results:
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) lost 6 Death Knights.
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) lost 24 Mind Flayers.
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) lost 22 Storm Giant.
BimBamWallaWimWam (#57) lost 152 Mammoth Maggot.
Defender's results
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s lost 44 Horde Fiend.
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s lost 3278 Acid Beasts.
Concolor Linnaeus [#38]'s lost 57 Magmademons.
You attacked Concolor Linnaeus [#38] , and won the fight
204 of your 12347 units were killed
You gained 70 and destroyed 138 Land.
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Concolor Linnaeus [#38]
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