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 Tikbalang [#131]

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Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

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PostSubject: Tikbalang [#131]   Tikbalang [#131] Icon_minitimeTue 16 Sep 2008 - 23:11

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My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Tue 09/16/08 14:47:53
Total power lost for defender (including land): 716,237
% lost for defender: 7
Total power lost for attacker: 1,117,306
% lost for attacker: 9

Attack Tikbalang [#131] [ | | ||]

Amergin (#56)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
1384 Wendigos 8603 900 40 53 Normal 3800
1729 Lightbringers 6984 450 36 47 Normal 2789
98565 Woldean Archers 222 35 44 36 Normal 108

Tikbalang [#131]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A pack of Treemen 13779 1200 39 52 6465
A pack of Magmademons 14129 800 38 52 3503
A pack of Ancient Silverback 13272 300 42 53 3161
A few Jabberwock 246031 12000 38 71 189668
A horde of Poison Ivys 540 30 38 42 263

Tikbalang [#131] [#131] is affected by the wonder Necropolis of E´bz
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Boreaux the Jester makes his attack!
3 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Boreaux the Jester used the ability Distract
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Clelonna the Champion makes his attack!
1 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Clelonna the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Clelonna the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Tikbalang makes his attack!
2 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Tikbalang used the ability Defence
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Tikbalang used the ability Mistlayer
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umendarith the Filth Dealer makes his attack!
1 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umendarith the Filth Dealer used the ability Swamp Walker
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umendarith the Filth Dealer used the ability Dissolve
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umendarith the Filth Dealer used the ability Fire shield
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Uther the Pilgrim makes his attack!
3 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Uther the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umorith the Pyromancer makes his attack!
186 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers are killed
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umorith the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Tikbalang [#131]'s hero Umorith the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
2 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Wendigos resisted.
2 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
4 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are killed
2 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant makes his attack!
3 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Amergin [#56]'s hero Olalith the Pyromancer makes his attack!
282 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Olalith the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Amergin [#56]'s hero Olalith the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
11 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
10 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
11 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
11 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
221 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys are killed
3 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner makes his attack!
4 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Amergin [#56]'s hero B-17 Fortress the Planeswalker makes his attack!
3 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero B-17 Fortress the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Amergin [#56]'s hero B-17 Fortress the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero The Somberlain the Champion makes his attack!
2 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero The Somberlain the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero The Somberlain the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Amergin [#56]'s hero Colonious the Pilgrim makes his attack!
4 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Colonious the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Cyllyra the Technomage makes his attack!
3 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Cyllyra the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Amergin [#56]'s hero Cyllyra the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Amergin [#56]'s hero Cyllyra the Technomage used the ability Optican
Adding Treetop ability to Jabberwock
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131] has enchantment Mountain Strength
Tikbalang [#131] has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
Amergin (#56) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Amergin (#56) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
Tikbalang [#131] Item /Spell
Tikbalang [#131] [#131] used the item Giant Growth
Tikbalang [#131] [#131] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Tikbalang [#131] Cast Stampede

Amergin (#56) Item /Spell
Amergin (#56) [#56] used the item Giant Growth
You tried to cast Giant Growth , Tikbalang [#131] [#131] land blocked your item
Amergin (#56) [#56] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Amergin (#56) Cast Steam Blast
You tried to cast Steam Blast , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
Tikbalang [#131]'s army laughs at you
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help Tikbalang [#131] [#131].

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos hits Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers hits Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers hits Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback
Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen hits Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons hits Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback hits Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Jabberwock hits Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys hits Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos

The battle begins!

Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers attacks Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 368 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers are too far away for the Ancient Silverback to strike back

Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons attacks Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons kills 383 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Tikbalang [#131]'s Jabberwock attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Tikbalang [#131]'s Jabberwock kills 37 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attack failed.

Tikbalang [#131]'s Jabberwock attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Tikbalang [#131]'s Jabberwock kills 74 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attack failed.

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attacks Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen
Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen uses first strike against the Wendigos
Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen kills 16 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Wendigos are entangled by Treemen
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 101 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen

Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Woldean Archers get trampled by Ancient Silverback
Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback kills 10746 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 47 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback

Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Wendigos get trampled by Treemen
Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen kills 47 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Treemen
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 9 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attacks Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen
Wendigos are entangled by Treemen
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 48 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen

Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Wendigos get trampled by Poison Ivys
Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys kills 32 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Poison Ivys
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 532 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys

Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers attacks Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers kills 93 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers attacks Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers kills 96 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Magmademons to strike back

Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Wendigos gets trampled by Treemen
Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen kills 152 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Treemen
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 4 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen

Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons attacks Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons kills 89 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Woldean Archers gets trampled by Ancient Silverback
Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback kills 27656 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 24 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback

Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Wendigos gets trampled by Poison Ivys
Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys kills 153 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Poison Ivys
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 148 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys

Attacker's results:
Amergin (#56) lost 521 Wendigos.
75 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 482 Lightbringers.
103 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 38588 Woldean Archers.
5590 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers are healed after battle
Defender's results
Tikbalang [#131]'s lost 218 Treemen.
7 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Treemen are healed after battle
Tikbalang [#131]'s lost 192 Magmademons.
6 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Magmademons are healed after battle
Tikbalang [#131]'s lost 445 Ancient Silverback.
15 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Ancient Silverback are healed after battle
Tikbalang [#131]'s lost 1183 Poison Ivys.
41 of Tikbalang [#131]'s Poison Ivys are healed after battle
You attacked with full force, but Tikbalang [#131] kicked your ass!
33823 of your 101678 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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