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 Kyndred [#71]

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3 posters
Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Kyndred [#71] Empty
PostSubject: Kyndred [#71]   Kyndred [#71] Icon_minitimeThu 28 Aug 2008 - 0:51

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My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Wed 08/27/08 13:45:40
Total power lost for defender (including land): 2,740,031
% lost for defender: 33
Total power lost for attacker: 784,959
% lost for attacker: 8

Attack Kyndred [#71] [ | | ||]

Amergin (#56)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
129583 Faeries 184 20 39 52 Normal 72
232672 Fireflies 153 20 34 45 Normal 49
4827 Ornithopters 1794 0 34 45 Normal 997

Kyndred [#71]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A horde of Fireflies 107 20 36 40 58

Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin makes his attack!
90 of Amergin (#56)'s Faeries are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Defence
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Mistlayer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer makes his attack!
183 of Amergin (#56)'s Faeries are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Faeries resisted.
Faeries resisted.
451 of Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner makes his attack!
555 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Amergin [#56]'s hero Oisin makes his attack!
443 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Oisin used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Grogar the Pilgrim makes his attack!
488 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero Grogar the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Adding Healing ability to Faeries
Amergin (#56) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Kyndred [#71] Item /Spell
Kyndred [#71] [#71] used the item Dust of density
Kyndred [#71] [#71] finshed using the item Dust of density
Kyndred [#71] Cast Candle in The wind

Amergin (#56) Item /Spell
Amergin (#56) [#56] used the item Scroll of Guardian
Amergin (#56) [#56] finshed using the item Scroll of Guardian
Amergin (#56) Cast Steam Blast
None of your allies bothered to help you.

Amergin (#56)'s Faeries hits Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies hits Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters hits Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies hits Amergin (#56)'s Faeries

The battle begins!

Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters kills 15541 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies retaliates against the Ornithopters
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies kills 990 of Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters

Amergin (#56)'s Faeries attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Faeries kills 103509 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies retaliates against the Faeries
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies kills 9321 of Amergin (#56)'s Faeries

Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters kills 20690 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies retaliates against the Ornithopters
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies kills 487 of Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters

Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies kills 118209 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies retaliates against the Fireflies
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies kills 6301 of Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies

Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies attacks Amergin (#56)'s Faeries
Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies kills 18255 of Amergin (#56)'s Faeries
Amergin (#56)'s Faeries retaliates against the Fireflies
Amergin (#56)'s Faeries kills 7869 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies

Attacker's results:
Amergin (#56) lost 27849 Faeries.
3732 of Amergin (#56)'s Faeries are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 6752 Fireflies.
432 of Amergin (#56)'s Fireflies are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 1477 Ornithopters.
94 of Amergin (#56)'s Ornithopters are healed after battle
Defender's results
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 267304 Fireflies.
434 of Kyndred [#71]'s Fireflies are healed after battle
You attacked Kyndred [#71] , and won the fight
31820 of your 367082 units were killed
You gained 103 and destroyed 205 Land.
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Paladin Knight
Paladin Knight

Number of posts : 30
Age : 58
Registration date : 2008-07-15

Kyndred [#71] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyndred [#71]   Kyndred [#71] Icon_minitimeTue 2 Sep 2008 - 21:56

Time: Tue 09/02/08 20:53:34
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,057,811
% lost for defender: 11
Total power lost for attacker: 623,854
% lost for attacker: 5

Attack Kyndred [#71] [ | | ||]

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
24 Sand Worms 246541 24000 36 68 Normal 320000
1048 Mind Flayers 10388 750 36 49 Normal 5000
1847 Lightbringers 9459 450 38 48 Normal 3000
24632 Dune Buggies 455 40 38 47 Normal 190
7 Desert Dreadnoughts 424473 20000 44 65 Normal 175000

Kyndred [#71]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Jabberwock 168750 12000 36 68 212241
A pack of Ancient Silverback 4500 300 40 50 3468
A few Behemoths 262500 25000 36 62 218484
A few Magmademons 8606 800 36 51 3433
A few Treemen 2868 1200 36 50 3247
A few Lightbringers 4218 450 39 45 3183

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) [#15] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Mind Flayers had its unitaccuracy changed to 35.4 mod:3
Mind Flayers had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Mind Flayers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 9409.05 mod:1.03
Lightbringers had its unitaccuracy changed to 35.4 mod:3
Lightbringers had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Lightbringers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 4704.525 mod:1.03
Desert Dreadnoughts had its unitaccuracy changed to 39 mod:3
Desert Dreadnoughts had its dodge changed to 60.5 mod:2
Desert Dreadnoughts had its unitstrenght1 changed to 313635 mod:1.03
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Umorith the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Umorith the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Defence
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Mistlayer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Mind Flayers resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
2 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers are killed
2 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers are killed
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Erarag the Technomage makes his attack!
2 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Erarag the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Erarag the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Hogdish the Muse makes his attack!
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Hogdish the Muse used the ability Lullaby
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Hogdish the Muse used the ability Enchanter
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Erogdush the Visionary makes his attack!
2 of Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are killed
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Erogdush the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Briniver the Hierophant makes his attack!
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Briniver the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Briniver the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero The Kurgan the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
2 of Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons are killed
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero The Kurgan the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Sinclair the Champion makes his attack!
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Sinclair the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Sinclair the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Grugor the Pyromancer makes his attack!
6 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Grugor the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Mechanized Sand Dweller [#15]'s hero Grugor the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Jabberwock resisted.
Behemoths resisted.
3 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Jabberwock resisted.
Adding Treetop ability to Jabberwock
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
Kyndred [#71] Item /Spell
Kyndred [#71] [#71] used the item Dragon Toothed Arrows
Kyndred [#71] [#71] finshed using the item Dragon Toothed Arrows
Kyndred [#71] Cast Kazi's Armor
Sand Worms had its Mres changed to 77.383754688035 mod:-17.616245311965
Mind Flayers had its Mres changed to 47.383754688035 mod:-17.616245311965
Lightbringers resisted
Dune Buggies had its Mres changed to 32.383754688035 mod:-17.616245311965
Desert Dreadnoughts resisted

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) Item /Spell
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) [#15] used the item Giant Growth
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) [#15] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) Cast Astralysis
You tried to cast Astralysis , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
Kyndred [#71]'s army laughs at you
None of your allies bothered to help you.

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms hits Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers hits Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers hits Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies hits Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts hits Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers hits Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms

The battle begins!

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen
Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen uses first strike against the Desert Dreadnoughts
Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen attack failed
Treemen gets trampled by Desert Dreadnoughts
Desert Dreadnoughts are entangled by Treemen
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts kills 77 of Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen

Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons kills 5067 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Dune Buggies to strike back

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen
Treemen get trampled by Desert Dreadnoughts
Desert Dreadnoughts are entangled by Treemen
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts kills 42 of Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback kills 117 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers kills 19 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms kills 227 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71].'s Jabberwock attack failed
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71].'s Jabberwock attack failed
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Jabberwock
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers
Lightbringers get trampled by Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths kills 115 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers
Lightbringers gets trampled by Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths kills 87 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers attack failed.

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Behemoths to strike back

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Behemoths to strike back

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies kills 130 of Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons retaliates against the Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons kills 350 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies

Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71].'s Lightbringers attack failed
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71].'s Lightbringers attack failed
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts
Desert Dreadnoughts get trampled by Treemen
Kyndred [#71].'s Treemen attack failed
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts retaliates against the Treemen
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts kills 3 of Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen

Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons kills 1783 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies
Kyndred [#71]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Dune Buggies to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback kills 95 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers kills 15 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback

Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms kills 78 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen attacks Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts
Desert Dreadnoughts gets trampled by Treemen
Kyndred [#71].'s Treemen attack failed
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts retaliates against the Treemen
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Desert Dreadnoughts kills 2 of Kyndred [#71]'s Treemen

Attacker's results:
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) lost 216 Mind Flayers.
10 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Mind Flayers are healed after battle
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) lost 202 Lightbringers.
24 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15) lost 7200 Dune Buggies.
612 of Mechanized Sand Dweller (#15)'s Dune Buggies are healed after battle
Defender's results
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 2 Jabberwock.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 350 Ancient Silverback.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 2 Behemoths.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 132 Magmademons.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 124 Treemen.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 2 Lightbringers.
You attacked Kyndred [#71] , and won the fight
6972 of your 27558 units were killed
You gained 89 and destroyed 177 Land.
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

Kyndred [#71] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyndred [#71]   Kyndred [#71] Icon_minitimeWed 3 Sep 2008 - 0:43

[ back ] | [ Refresh ] [ turn info ]
My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Sun 08/31/08 13:27:23
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,687,501
% lost for defender: 15
Total power lost for attacker: 862,000
% lost for attacker: 6

Attack Kyndred [#71] [ | | ||]

Amergin (#56)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
1583 Wendigos 7830 900 39 52 Normal 3870
2624 Ancient Silverback 6581 300 41 47 Normal 3133
27 Behemoths 368993 25000 37 63 Normal 193516
136873 Woldean Archers 188 35 45 38 Normal 110
1389 Lightbringers 5813 450 40 47 Normal 2764
1916 Changeling 2303 300 43 42 Normal 1658
218 Magmademons 12097 800 37 47 Normal 3040

Kyndred [#71]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Jabberwock 168930 12000 36 69 204000
A few Horde Fiend 5743 3000 40 50 7803
A few Behemoths 268035 25000 36 68 214200
A pack of Ancient Silverback 4504 300 40 50 3537
A few Lightbringers 4307 450 39 50 3183

Amergin (#56) [#56] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Ancient Silverback had its unitaccuracy changed to 39 mod:3
Ancient Silverback had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Ancient Silverback had its unitstrenght1 changed to 5023.104 mod:1.03
Behemoths had its unitaccuracy changed to 35.4 mod:3
Behemoths had its dodge changed to 60.5 mod:2
Behemoths had its unitstrenght1 changed to 293014.4 mod:1.03
Woldean Archers had its unitaccuracy changed to 43.5 mod:3
Woldean Archers had its dodge changed to 38 mod:2
Woldean Archers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 141.2748 mod:1.03
Lightbringers had its unitaccuracy changed to 35.4 mod:3
Lightbringers had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Lightbringers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 4709.16 mod:1.03
Magmademons had its unitaccuracy changed to 35.4 mod:3
Magmademons had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Magmademons had its unitstrenght1 changed to 9418.32 mod:1.03
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith makes his attack!
1 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Banor the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
4 of Amergin (#56)'s Changeling are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Banor the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Defence
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Mistlayer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer makes his attack!
3 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
3 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Ancient Silverback resisted.
Wendigos resisted.
3 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are killed
Amergin [#56]'s hero B-17 Fortress the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero B-17 Fortress the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero Vrolo the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero Ysyssa the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Amergin [#56]'s hero Oisin makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero Oisin used the ability Inspiration
Amergin [#56]'s hero Grogar the Pilgrim makes his attack!
Amergin [#56]'s hero Grogar the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Adding Treetop ability to Jabberwock
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Amergin (#56) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Amergin (#56) has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
Kyndred [#71] Item /Spell
Kyndred [#71] Cast Kazi's Armor
Wendigos had its Mres changed to 62.63179203165 mod:-17.36820796835
Ancient Silverback had its Mres changed to 47.63179203165 mod:-17.36820796835
Behemoths had its Mres changed to 62.63179203165 mod:-17.36820796835
Woldean Archers had its Mres changed to -17.36820796835 mod:-17.36820796835
Lightbringers had its Mres changed to 47.63179203165 mod:-17.36820796835
Changeling had its Mres changed to 52.63179203165 mod:-17.36820796835
Magmademons resisted

Amergin (#56) Item /Spell
Amergin (#56) [#56] used the item Camo Paintbox
You tried to cast Camo Paintbox , Kyndred [#71] [#71] land blocked your item
Amergin (#56) [#56] finshed using the item Camo Paintbox
Amergin (#56) Cast Alteration
seron [#73] doesn't have any army to spare

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos hits Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback hits Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths hits Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers hits Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers hits Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers
Amergin (#56)'s Changeling hits Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons hits Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock hits Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend hits Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths hits Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback hits Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers hits Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers

The battle begins!

Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 14 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 159 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 110 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos retaliates against the Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attack failed.

Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Amergin (#56)'s Changeling attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Changeling kills 21 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Changeling
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 113 of Amergin (#56)'s Changeling

Amergin (#56)'s Changeling attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Changeling kills 26 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Changeling
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 95 of Amergin (#56)'s Changeling

Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 419 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers are too far away for the Ancient Silverback to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback kills 6677 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 70 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 53 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Wendigos
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 27 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos

Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend attacks Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 108 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback retaliates against the Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback kills 4 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend

Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend attacks Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 133 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback retaliates against the Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback kills 3 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend

Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Behemoths get trampled by Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths retaliates against the Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attack failed.

Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Behemoths gets trampled by Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths retaliates against the Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attack failed.

Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers kills 165 of Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers kills 177 of Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers
Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attacks Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths
Behemoths gets trampled by Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths kills 1 of Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths retaliates against the Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths attacks Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths
Behemoths get trampled by Behemoths
Kyndred [#71]'s Behemoths kills 1 of Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths retaliates against the Behemoths
Amergin (#56)'s Behemoths attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers attacks Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers kills 28 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers attacks Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers kills 37 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers
Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Lightbringers to strike back

Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos kills 81 of Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Wendigos
Kyndred [#71]'s Horde Fiend kills 22 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos

Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 10 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback

Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Amergin (#56).'s Magmademons attack failed
Amergin (#56)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback kills 5774 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers kills 59 of Kyndred [#71]'s Ancient Silverback

Attacker's results:
Amergin (#56) lost 322 Wendigos.
22 of Amergin (#56)'s Wendigos are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 268 Ancient Silverback.
18 of Amergin (#56)'s Ancient Silverback are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 2 Behemoths.
Amergin (#56) lost 12451 Woldean Archers.
866 of Amergin (#56)'s Woldean Archers are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 68 Lightbringers.
7 of Amergin (#56)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Amergin (#56) lost 157 Changeling.
5 of Amergin (#56)'s Changeling are healed after battle
Defender's results
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 3 Jabberwock.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 188 Horde Fiend.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 2 Behemoths.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 548 Ancient Silverback.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 342 Lightbringers.
24 of Kyndred [#71]'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
You attacked Kyndred [#71] , and won the fight
12350 of your 144630 units were killed
You gained 113 and destroyed 224 Land.
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Number of posts : 24
Age : 41
Registration date : 2008-08-23

Kyndred [#71] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyndred [#71]   Kyndred [#71] Icon_minitimeFri 5 Sep 2008 - 11:18

Time: Fri 09/05/08 10:09:04
Total power lost for defender (including land): 547,581
% lost for defender: 9
Total power lost for attacker: 71,784
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack Kyndred [#71] [ [Lookup] | [Battles] | [Message] | [Attack] | [Add this mage as a friend] ]

Kadrach (#22)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
189 Horde Fiend 9708 3000 40 50 Stand 6824
150 Death Knights 12240 2400 36 52 Stand 8806
13645 Acid Beasts 301 10 47 42 Aim 113
332 Magmademons 12975 800 47 47 Aim 2905
13077 Likurian Thinkers 295 30 47 56 Aim 122

Kyndred [#71]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Jabberwock 169740 12000 36 68 208080
A few Clockwork Dragons 4809 500 38 51 3121

Kadrach (#22) [#22] is affected by the wonder Academy of Trajectory
Acid Beasts had its unitaccuracy changed to 43.4 mod:3
Acid Beasts had its dodge changed to 42.5 mod:2
Acid Beasts had its unitstrenght1 changed to 195.2262 mod:1.03
Magmademons had its unitaccuracy changed to 43.4 mod:3
Magmademons had its dodge changed to 47 mod:2
Magmademons had its unitstrenght1 changed to 9761.31 mod:1.03
Likurian Thinkers had its unitaccuracy changed to 43.4 mod:3
Likurian Thinkers had its dodge changed to 56 mod:2
Likurian Thinkers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 195.2262 mod:1.03
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Laudda the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Umorith the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Umorith the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin makes his attack!
1 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend are killed
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Defence
Kyndred [#71]'s hero Kin used the ability Mistlayer
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Kyndred [#71]'s hero eddie the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
1 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend are killed
1 of Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights are killed
Death Knights resisted.
Horde Fiend resisted.
2 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend are killed
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Laudda the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Laudda the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Laudda the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Vrodish the Mastersmith makes his attack!
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Vrodish the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Vrodish the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Zebulon the Executioner makes his attack!
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Zebulon the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Zebulon the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Maeczik the Elite Ranger makes his attack!
3 of Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons are killed
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Maeczik the Elite Ranger used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Kchannan makes his attack!
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Kchannan used the ability Mountaineer
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Kchannan used the ability Ice shield
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Cadille the Pilgrim makes his attack!
3 of Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons are killed
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Cadille the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Anders the Champion makes his attack!
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Anders the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Kadrach [#22]'s hero Anders the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Adding Treetop ability to Jabberwock
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Horde Fiend
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Horde Fiend
Kadrach (#22) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Kyndred [#71] Item /Spell
Kyndred [#71] Cast Kazi's Armor
Horde Fiend had its Mres changed to 68.839053876707 mod:-18.160946123293
Death Knights resisted
Acid Beasts had its Mres changed to 23.839053876707 mod:-18.160946123293
Magmademons had its Mres changed to 48.839053876707 mod:-18.160946123293
Likurian Thinkers resisted

Kadrach (#22) Item /Spell
Kadrach (#22) [#22] used the item Potion of brawling
You tried to cast Potion of brawling , Kyndred [#71] [#71] land blocked your item
Kadrach (#22) [#22] finshed using the item Potion of brawling
Kadrach (#22) Cast Vampirism
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help Kyndred [#71] [#71].

Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend couldn't reach anyone!
Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights couldn't reach anyone!
Kadrach (#22)'s Acid Beasts hits Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Magmademons hits Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons
Kadrach (#22)'s Likurian Thinkers hits Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock hits Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons hits Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights

The battle begins!

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 33 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend
Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock attacks Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend
Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock kills 33 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend
Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend retaliates against the Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend attack failed.

Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons attacks Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights
Death Knights get trampled by Clockwork Dragons
Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons kills 9 of Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights
Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Clockwork Dragons
Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights kills 6 of Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons

Kadrach (#22)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Kadrach (#22)'s Magmademons attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons
Kadrach (#22)'s Magmademons kills 152 of Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons
Kadrach (#22)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Clockwork Dragons to strike back

Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons attacks Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights
Death Knights gets trampled by Clockwork Dragons
Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons kills 3 of Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights
Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Clockwork Dragons
Kadrach (#22)'s Death Knights kills 4 of Kyndred [#71]'s Clockwork Dragons

Kadrach (#22)'s Acid Beasts attacks Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Acid Beasts kills 1 of Kyndred [#71]'s Jabberwock
Kadrach (#22)'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Attacker's results:
Kadrach (#22) lost 70 Horde Fiend.
2 of Kadrach (#22)'s Horde Fiend are healed after battle
Kadrach (#22) lost 13 Death Knights.
Kadrach (#22)'s 421 Acid Beasts are created in battle.
Kadrach (#22)'s 40 Magmademons are created in battle.
Kadrach (#22)'s 513 Likurian Thinkers are created in battle.
Defender's results
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 2 Jabberwock.
Kyndred [#71]'s lost 168 Clockwork Dragons.
You attacked Kyndred [#71] , and won the fight
0 of your 27393 units were killed
You gained 79 and destroyed 158 Land.
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Kyndred [#71] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kyndred [#71]   Kyndred [#71] Icon_minitime

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Kyndred [#71]
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