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 jekill me [#86]

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2 posters
Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

jekill me [#86] Empty
PostSubject: jekill me [#86]   jekill me [#86] Icon_minitimeSat 2 Aug 2008 - 5:24

Time: Sat 08/02/08 04:03:22
Total power lost for defender (including land): 597,701
% lost for defender: 8
Total power lost for attacker: 312,750
% lost for attacker: 4

Attack jekill me [#86] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
2917 Ornithopters 2357 0 33 42 Normal 1190
10 Sand Worms 299324 24000 33 70 Stand 432972
12574 Winged Serpents 290 20 30 46 Normal 264
25619 Mammoth Maggot 240 25 32 45 Normal 132
406 Mind Flayers 9568 750 27 48 Normal 5306
240 Wendigos 6000 900 36 50 4200

jekill me [#86]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Draug 167604 15000 34 62 150000
A few Magmademons 8475 800 37 46 3300
A horde of Demonic Servant 116 35 43 36 150
A few Death Knights 8348 2400 36 48 8000
A few Storm Giant 4174 500 43 46 3750

jekill me [#86] [#86] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary makes his attack!
15 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters are killed
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Optican
78 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
16 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters are killed
83 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
77 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
173 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Optican
2 of jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights are killed
Draug resisted.
2 of jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons are killed
Draug resisted.
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
2 of jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
104 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Force Field
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
1 of jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
199 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are killed
Magmademons resisted.
Draug resisted.
Draug resisted.
1 of jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights are killed
4 of jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons are killed
Demonic Servant resisted.
194 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are killed
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
jekill me [#86] Item /Spell
jekill me [#86] Cast Steam Blast

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Flask of Formic Acid
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Flask of Formic Acid
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Reanimate
You tried to cast Reanimate , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
jekill me [#86]'s army laughs at you
M.S.D [#41] sent you 240 Wendigos
No one bothered to help jekill me [#86] [#86].

Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters hits jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents hits jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers hits jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos hits jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters
jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers

The battle begins!

Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Bald Bull (#108).'s Ornithopters attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Ornithopters
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 42 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters

jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant kills 3321 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Bald Bull (#108).'s Wendigos attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Wendigos
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 2 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 74 of jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Storm Giant to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 44 of jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Storm Giant to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
jekill me [#86].'s Magmademons attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Draug attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 273 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters

jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant kills 3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Mind Flayers to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant kills 5 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
jekill me [#86]'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Mind Flayers to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights kills 1276 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot retaliates against the Death Knights
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights

jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights kills 2723 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot retaliates against the Death Knights
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Wendigos
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 1 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Wendigos

Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Ornithopters
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 24 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms kills 44 of jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons retaliates against the Sand Worms
jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents attacks jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents kills 2820 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant retaliates against the Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant kills 572 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 9 of jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights
jekill me [#86]'s Death Knights are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant kills 1914 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
jekill me [#86].'s Magmademons attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 370 Ornithopters.
27 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Ornithopters are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 6045 Winged Serpents.
453 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 3999 Mammoth Maggot.
299 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 8 Mind Flayers.
Bald Bull (#108) lost 3 Wendigos.
Defender's results
jekill me [#86]'s lost 2 Draug.
jekill me [#86]'s lost 52 Magmademons.
jekill me [#86]'s lost 3490 Demonic Servant.
5 of jekill me [#86]'s Demonic Servant are healed after battle
jekill me [#86]'s lost 14 Death Knights.
jekill me [#86]'s lost 118 Storm Giant.
You attacked jekill me [#86] , and won the fight
9643 of your 41526 units were killed
You gained 69 and destroyed 136 Land.
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

jekill me [#86] Empty
PostSubject: Re: jekill me [#86]   jekill me [#86] Icon_minitimeThu 7 Aug 2008 - 2:35

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My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Wed 08/06/08 13:07:10
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,678,734
% lost for defender: 17
Total power lost for attacker: 425,280
% lost for attacker: 4

Attack jekill me [#86] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
717 Death Knights 10989 2400 36 52 Normal 8028
2066 Magmademons 12862 800 31 45 Normal 3311
64 Balrogs 164843 30000 31 68 Normal 75263
8 Nidhoggs 336689 50000 45 70 Normal 153538
38141 Likurian Thinkers 237 30 31 54 Normal 140
2427 Wandering Sorcerer 2330 100 35 36 Normal 903
1631 Changeling 1800 300 40 40 1800

jekill me [#86]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A horde of Halwen Wraiths 426 0 42 45 200
A horde of Winged Serpents 304 20 34 43 240
A few Draug 243570 15000 35 65 150000
A few Halwen Spectre 5718 600 44 50 4200

jekill me [#86] [#86] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary makes his attack!
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
jekill me [#86]'s hero TacoCita the Visionary used the ability Optican
Magmademons resisted.
Death Knights resisted.
2 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are killed
2 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
102 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester makes his attack!
99 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Distract
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Nidhoggs
jekill me [#86] has enchantment Maggot Infestation
jekill me [#86] has enchantment Halwen TransformationSome higher power is watching over the Halwen Spectres
Halwen Spectre had its unitattacktype2 changed to P.B mod:.B
Halwen Spectre had its dodge changed to 50.8 mod:-4
Halwen Spectre had its unitstrenght2 changed to 5610 mod:1.1
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
jekill me [#86] Item /Spell
jekill me [#86] Cast Steam Blast

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Scent of Roses
You tried to cast Scent of Roses , jekill me [#86] [#86] land blocked your item
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Scent of Roses
Talon (#27) Cast Feeble Mind
You tried to cast Feeble Mind , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
jekill me [#86]'s army laughs at you
M.S.D [#41] sent you 1631 Changeling
No one bothered to help jekill me [#86] [#86].

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights hits jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons hits jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs hits jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs hits jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer hits jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Changeling hits jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths hits Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents hits Talon (#27)'s Magmademons
jekill me [#86]'s Draug hits Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre hits Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs

The battle begins!

jekill me [#86]'s Draug attacks Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 1 of Talon (#27)'s Balrogs

Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer attacks jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Wandering Sorcerer gets diseased by Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer kills 1531 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Magmademons gets diseased by Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 16104 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents
Nidhoggs gets diseased by Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs kills 2151 of jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents retaliates against the Nidhoggs
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents
Nidhoggs gets diseased by Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs kills 3016 of jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents retaliates against the Nidhoggs
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Balrogs
jekill me [#86]'s Draug attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Changeling attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27).'s Changeling attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Changeling
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 12 of Talon (#27)'s Changeling

Talon (#27)'s Changeling attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Changeling kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Changeling
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 10 of Talon (#27)'s Changeling

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 116 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Halwen Spectre to strike back

jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs
jekill me [#86].'s Halwen Spectre attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs kills 3 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre

jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs
jekill me [#86].'s Halwen Spectre attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs kills 2 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Spectre

jekill me [#86]'s Draug attacks Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs uses first strike against the Draug
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attack failed
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 2 of Talon (#27)'s Balrogs

Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer attacks jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Wandering Sorcerer gets diseased by Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer kills 3314 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths

jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths kills 123 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents attacks Talon (#27)'s Magmademons
jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents kills 126 of Talon (#27)'s Magmademons
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons retaliates against the Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 789 of jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents

Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs kills 2 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Balrogs
jekill me [#86]'s Draug attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Death Knights
jekill me [#86]'s Draug kills 1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks jekill me [#86]'s Draug
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of jekill me [#86]'s Draug
jekill me [#86]'s Draug retaliates against the Death Knights
jekill me [#86]'s Draug attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths
Magmademons gets diseased by Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 3953 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 128 Death Knights.
4 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are healed after battle
Talon (#27) lost 126 Magmademons.
Talon (#27) lost 3 Balrogs.
Talon (#27) lost 22 Changeling.
Defender's results
jekill me [#86]'s lost 23868 Halwen Wraiths.
52 of jekill me [#86]'s Halwen Wraiths are healed after battle
jekill me [#86]'s lost 5956 Winged Serpents.
13 of jekill me [#86]'s Winged Serpents are healed after battle
jekill me [#86]'s lost 6 Draug.
jekill me [#86]'s lost 117 Halwen Spectre.
You attacked jekill me [#86] , and won the fight
253 of your 43423 units were killed
You gained 77 and destroyed 152 Land.
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jekill me [#86]
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