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 Kami-sama [#61]

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Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Kami-sama [#61] Empty
PostSubject: Kami-sama [#61]   Kami-sama [#61] Icon_minitimeSun 27 Jul 2008 - 21:53

Time: Sun 07/27/08 18:54:13
Total power lost for defender (including land): 405,444
% lost for defender: 5
Total power lost for attacker: 911,375
% lost for attacker: 8

Attack Kami-sama [#61] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
19 Sand Worms 248290 24000 41 70 Normal 339586
28485 Winged Serpents 293 20 34 45 Normal 259
4390 Chimeric Magicans 2220 90 41 40 Normal 1028
30070 Mammoth Maggot 211 25 33 46 Normal 129
574 Storm Giant 7256 500 40 45 Normal 3901

Kami-sama [#61]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Jabberwock 215359 12000 38 63 186595
A few Behemoths 398545 25000 38 63 195925
A few Treemen 15554 1200 37 46 6244
A few Ancient Silverback 9377 300 42 46 4682
A pack of Poison Ivys 586 30 38 37 249

Kami-sama [#61] [#61] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary makes his attack!
105 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Optican
77 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Fitting End the Executioner makes his attack!
77 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Fitting End the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim used the ability Quicken
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Lanalor the Champion makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Lanalor the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero The Kurgan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero The Kurgan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero The Kurgan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Sand Worms resisted.
106 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are killed
37 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans are killed
37 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Poison Ivys resisted.
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
5 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
Jabberwock resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Treemen resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Behemoths resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Chimeric Magicans
Kami-sama [#61] has enchantment Mountain Strength
Kami-sama [#61] has enchantment Forestking's Strenght
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
Kami-sama [#61] Item /Spell
Kami-sama [#61] [#61] used the item Giant Growth
Kami-sama [#61] [#61] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Kami-sama [#61] Cast Kazi's Armor
Sand Worms resisted
Winged Serpents had its Mres changed to 4.7829141965005 mod:-20.217085803499
Chimeric Magicans had its Mres changed to 9.7829141965005 mod:-20.217085803499
Mammoth Maggot had its Mres changed to -20.217085803499 mod:-20.217085803499
Storm Giant resisted

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Wagon of Missiles
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Wagon of Missiles
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Blessing of the gods
You tried to cast Blessing of the gods , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
Kami-sama [#61]'s army laughs at you
None of your allies bothered to help you.
Jester [#29] doesn't have any army to spare

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans
Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant

The battle begins!

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108).'s Sand Worms attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61].'s Jabberwock attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61].'s Jabberwock attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback kills 7793 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 6 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback

Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen
Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen uses first strike against the Chimeric Magicans
Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen attack failed
Chimeric Magicans are entangled by Treemen
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 131 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen

Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents kills 2 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths retaliates against the Winged Serpents
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths kills 303 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents

Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant
Storm Giant get trampled by Poison Ivys
Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys kills 7 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant retaliates against the Poison Ivys
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant kills 239 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys

Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Winged Serpents gets trampled by Behemoths
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths kills 4852 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents retaliates against the Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Winged Serpents get trampled by Behemoths
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths kills 2669 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents retaliates against the Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys
Storm Giant are entangled by Poison Ivys
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant kills 3600 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Poison Ivys to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys
Hero is fighting for his life!
The hero The Kurgan the Pyromancer is fighting for his life!
Alas that wasn't enough, his corpse was left for the scavengers!
Storm Giant are entangled by Poison Ivys
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant kills 1062 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Poison Ivys
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Poison Ivys to strike back

Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans
Chimeric Magicans get trampled by Treemen
Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen kills 444 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans retaliates against the Treemen
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 4 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen

Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen
Chimeric Magicans are entangled by Treemen
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 43 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms kills 1 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback kills 13938 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot retaliates against the Ancient Silverback
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 2 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 19 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback
Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans
Chimeric Magicans gets trampled by Treemen
Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen kills 1518 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans retaliates against the Treemen
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 2 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 8189 Winged Serpents.
532 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 2036 Chimeric Magicans.
274 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 21731 Mammoth Maggot.
1412 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 7 Storm Giant.
Defender's results
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 1 Jabberwock.
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 2 Behemoths.
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 180 Treemen.
6 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Treemen are healed after battle
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 32 Ancient Silverback.
1 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Ancient Silverback are healed after battle
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 4901 Poison Ivys.
You attacked with full force, but Kami-sama [#61] kicked your ass!
29745 of your 63538 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

Kami-sama [#61] Empty
PostSubject: Re: Kami-sama [#61]   Kami-sama [#61] Icon_minitimeThu 7 Aug 2008 - 21:43

Time: Thu 08/07/08 20:03:26
Total power lost for defender (including land): 98,001
% lost for defender: 1
Total power lost for attacker: 133,500
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack Kami-sama [#61] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
2483 Lightbringers 5371 450 23 47 Normal 3247
10 Sand Worms 199968 24000 18 72 Normal 346378
681 Mind Flayers 8180 750 19 47 Normal 5412
16691 Mammoth Maggot 163 25 18 45 Normal 135

Kami-sama [#61]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Jabberwock 161208 12000 31 62 225931
A few Behemoths 283416 25000 26 62 237228

Kami-sama [#61] [#61] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Theseus the Planeswalker makes his attack!
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Theseus the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Anigel the Mastersmith used the ability Frenzy
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary makes his attack!
4 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Takya the Visionary used the ability Optican
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Lightbringers resisted.
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
4 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Fitting End the Executioner makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Fitting End the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim makes his attack!
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim used the ability Inspiration
Kami-sama [#61]'s hero Asareven the Pilgrim used the ability Quicken
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Force Field
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
Jabberwock resisted.
Behemoths resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Behemoths resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Behemoths resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Jabberwock resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61] has enchantment Song of serenity
Jabberwock had its unithp changed to 225931.43721007 mod:1.1449228236997
Jabberwock had its unitstrenght1 changed to 161208.27540574 mod:0.85507717630034
Behemoths had its unithp changed to 237228.00907057 mod:1.1449228236997
Behemoths had its unitstrenght1 changed to 283416.94955912 mod:0.85507717630034
Lightbringers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 4090.2616728327 mod:0.85507717630034
Sand Worms had its unitstrenght1 changed to 199968.3484496 mod:0.85507717630034
Mind Flayers had its unitstrenght1 changed to 8180.5233456654 mod:0.85507717630034
Mammoth Maggot had its unitstrenght1 changed to 163.61046691331 mod:0.85507717630034
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
Kami-sama [#61] Item /Spell
Kami-sama [#61] [#61] used the item Horn of Fog
Kami-sama [#61] [#61] finshed using the item Horn of Fog
Kami-sama [#61] Cast Wooden Skin

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Giant Growth
You tried to cast Giant Growth , Kami-sama [#61] [#61] land blocked your item
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Astralysis
You tried to cast Astralysis , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
Kami-sama [#61]'s army laughs at you
BlueFalkin [#21] doesn't have any army to spare
No one bothered to help Kami-sama [#61] [#61].

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms

The battle begins!

Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock kills 131 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108).'s Sand Worms attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mind Flayers attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mind Flayers attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock kills 58 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attack failed.

Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
Sand Worms get trampled by Behemoths
Kami-sama [#61].'s Behemoths attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Jabberwock to strike back

Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
Sand Worms gets trampled by Behemoths
Kami-sama [#61].'s Behemoths attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths
Bald Bull (#108).'s Sand Worms attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths retaliates against the Sand Worms
Kami-sama [#61]'s Behemoths attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mammoth Maggot attack failed
Kami-sama [#61]'s Jabberwock are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 209 Lightbringers.
31 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Defender's results
Kami-sama [#61]'s lost 2 Jabberwock.
You attacked with full force, but Kami-sama [#61] kicked your ass!
178 of your 19865 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Kami-sama [#61]
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