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 gamman [#195]

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Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

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PostSubject: gamman [#195]   gamman [#195] Icon_minitimeThu 17 Jul 2008 - 22:48

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My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Thu 07/17/08 15:16:38
Total power lost for defender (including land): 204,001
% lost for defender: 3
Total power lost for attacker: 58,350
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack gamman [#195] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
284 Death Knights 10779 2400 36 52 Normal 8028
821 Magmademons 14551 800 36 45 Normal 3311
653 Ice Hexes 12369 1200 41 51 Normal 4014
27729 Likurian Thinkers 296 30 42 54 Normal 140

gamman [#195]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Abominations 201903 27000 36 69 190000

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
gamman [#195]'s hero Gwiellan the Technomage makes his attack!
8 of Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are killed
gamman [#195]'s hero Gwiellan the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
gamman [#195]'s hero Gwiellan the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
gamman [#195]'s hero Gwiellan the Technomage used the ability Optican
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Enervate
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Pyrotech
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Fire shield
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Force Field
Abominations resisted.
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
gamman [#195] Item /Spell
No item
No spell

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Wagon of Missiles
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Wagon of Missiles
Talon (#27) Cast Steam Blast
None of your allies bothered to help you.

gamman [#195]'s Magmademons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Clockwork Titan ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Nomad Martyrs ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Manticore ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Squirrels ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Peasants ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
gamman [#195]'s Archers ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights hits gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons hits gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes hits gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits gamman [#195]'s Abominations
gamman [#195]'s Abominations hits Talon (#27)'s Death Knights

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27).'s Ice Hexes attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Abominations to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 1 of gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Abominations to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 1 of gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Abominations to strike back

gamman [#195]'s Abominations attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
gamman [#195]'s Abominations kills 17 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

gamman [#195]'s Abominations attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
gamman [#195]'s Abominations kills 8 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27).'s Death Knights attack failed
gamman [#195]'s Abominations retaliates against the Death Knights
gamman [#195]'s Abominations attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of gamman [#195]'s Abominations
gamman [#195]'s Abominations retaliates against the Death Knights
gamman [#195]'s Abominations attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27).'s Magmademons attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Abominations to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes kills 1 of gamman [#195]'s Abominations
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Abominations to strike back

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 25 Death Knights.
Talon (#27) lost 8 Ice Hexes.
Defender's results
gamman [#195]'s lost 4 Abominations.
You lost gamman [#195]
33 of your 29487 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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