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 BLITZ (#67) WL

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3 posters
Paladin Knight
Paladin Knight

Number of posts : 30
Age : 58
Registration date : 2008-07-15

BLITZ (#67)  WL Empty
PostSubject: BLITZ (#67) WL   BLITZ (#67)  WL Icon_minitimeWed 16 Jul 2008 - 3:33

You found an arrow in your stockade wall:
random,gl mate
Alert! You were attacked by BLITZ (#67) of White Lotus!
BLITZ (#67) lost 1 Abominations.
BLITZ (#67) lost 135 Nagas.
14 of BLITZ (#67)'s Nagas are healed after battle
BLITZ (#67) lost 66 Death Knights.
BLITZ (#67) lost 5 Draug.
BLITZ (#67) lost 285 Storm Giant.
9 of BLITZ (#67)'s Storm Giant are healed after battle
BLITZ (#67) lost 15360 Mammoth Maggot.
536 of BLITZ (#67)'s Mammoth Maggot are healed after battle
BLITZ (#67) lost 44 Magmademons.
1 of BLITZ (#67)'s Magmademons are healed after battle
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 3 Jabberwock.
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 138 Treemen.
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 480 Lesser Jabberwock.
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 91 Ancient Silverback.
7 of M.S.D [#41]'s Ancient Silverback are healed after battle
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 40 Wendigos.
3 of M.S.D [#41]'s Wendigos are healed after battle
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 4555 Woldean Archers.
M.S.D [#41]'s lost 215 Lightbringers.
You were attacked by BLITZ (#67) but you kicked his ass!
You killed 15336 of BLITZ (#67)'s 28381 Units
You were attacked, but were able to defend yourself with grace
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

BLITZ (#67)  WL Empty
PostSubject: Re: BLITZ (#67) WL   BLITZ (#67)  WL Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jul 2008 - 0:40

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My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Sun 07/20/08 15:03:12
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,479,839
% lost for defender: 16
Total power lost for attacker: 159,485
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack BLITZ [#67] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
484 Death Knights 11084 2400 36 45 Normal 8028
1053 Ice Hexes 5195 1200 30 45 Normal 3960
47297 Likurian Thinkers 273 30 39 46 Normal 138
4729 Chimeric Magicans 1785 90 44 35 Normal 940
989 Magmademons 12616 800 36 39 Normal 3267

BLITZ [#67]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A horde of Winged Serpents 192 20 36 45 228
A horde of Halwen Wraiths 345 0 36 47 211
A few Halwen Spectre 5855 600 45 53 4006

BLITZ [#67] [#67] is affected by the wonder World Market

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith makes his attack!
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Frenzy
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse makes his attack!
3 of Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Lullaby
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Enchanter
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Levitation
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer makes his attack!
1 of Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Swamp Walker
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Dissolve
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Fire shield
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Cerule the Mountaineer makes his attack!
2 of Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Cerule the Mountaineer used the ability Mountaineer
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Maeczik the Jester makes his attack!
160 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Maeczik the Jester used the ability Distract
BLITZ [#67]'s hero grond the Lich makes his attack!
143 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero grond the Lich used the ability Enervate
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Rong the Lifemonger makes his attack!
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Rong the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
86 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner makes his attack!
1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant makes his attack!
2 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich makes his attack!
92 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Enervate
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 makes his attack!
124 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Pyrotech
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Fire shield
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Force Field
117 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
91 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
126 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
108 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
126 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
93 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
108 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
90 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
121 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
127 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
90 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
109 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are killed
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Winged Serpents
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Halwen Spectre
Adding Healing ability to Chimeric Magicans
BLITZ [#67] has enchantment Halwen TransformationSome higher power is watching over the Halwen Spectres
Halwen Spectre had its unitattacktype2 changed to P.B mod:.B
Halwen Spectre had its dodge changed to 53 mod:-4
Halwen Spectre had its unitstrenght2 changed to 5610 mod:1.1
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
BLITZ [#67] Item /Spell
BLITZ [#67] [#67] used the item Scent of Roses
BLITZ [#67] [#67] finshed using the item Scent of Roses
BLITZ [#67] Cast Stone Skin

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Acid spraycan
You tried to cast Acid spraycan , BLITZ [#67] [#67] land blocked your item
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Acid spraycan
Talon (#27) Cast Steam Blast
You tried to cast Steam Blast , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
BLITZ [#67]'s army laughs at you
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help BLITZ [#67] [#67].

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights couldn't reach anyone!
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes hits BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans hits BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons hits BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents hits Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths hits Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre hits Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes kills 2957 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 8819 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents kills 42 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 611 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 9200 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths

Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 121 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Halwen Spectre to strike back

BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre kills 1899 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 31 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre

BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre kills 1302 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 28 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes kills 2494 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 2803 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Winged Serpents to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 86 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Halwen Spectre to strike back

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 42 Death Knights.
1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are healed after battle
Talon (#27) lost 6 Ice Hexes.
Talon (#27) lost 3504 Likurian Thinkers.
359 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Defender's results
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 18915 Winged Serpents.
54 of BLITZ [#67]'s Winged Serpents are healed after battle
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 9577 Halwen Wraiths.
27 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are healed after battle
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 242 Halwen Spectre.
You attacked BLITZ [#67] , and won the fight
3192 of your 54552 units were killed
You gained 93 and destroyed 185 Land.
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Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

BLITZ (#67)  WL Empty
PostSubject: Re: BLITZ (#67) WL   BLITZ (#67)  WL Icon_minitimeWed 6 Aug 2008 - 3:24

Time: Tue 08/05/08 21:22:31
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,121,674
% lost for defender: 14
Total power lost for attacker: 270,902
% lost for attacker: 3

Attack BLITZ [#67] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
2573 Lightbringers 6462 450 36 40 Normal 3121
3436 Psychic Beholders 3640 240 37 44 Normal 1324
8 Sand Worms 253256 24000 33 57 Stand 424483
290 Mind Flayers 19142 750 32 39 Normal 5412
12035 Mammoth Maggot 215 25 32 37 Normal 132
1711 Changeling 1800 300 40 40 1800

BLITZ [#67]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Halwen Spectre 4963 600 43 48 3976
A few Abominations 298382 27000 36 62 179866
Army Halwen Wraiths 349 0 36 42 189
A pack of Cockatrice 1521 120 36 40 1000
Army Necromantis 164 0 36 36 85

BLITZ [#67] [#67] is affected by the wonder World Market

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith makes his attack!
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Armorer
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Inspiration
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Aladin the Mastersmith used the ability Frenzy
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse makes his attack!
22 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Lullaby
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Enchanter
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Myweth the Muse used the ability Levitation
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer makes his attack!
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Swamp Walker
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Dissolve
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Milla the Filth Dealer used the ability Fire shield
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Maeczik the Jester makes his attack!
13 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Maeczik the Jester used the ability Distract
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Maeczik the Jester used the ability Lullaby
BLITZ [#67]'s hero grond the Lich makes his attack!
256 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero grond the Lich used the ability Enervate
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Chalana the Pyromancer makes his attack!
15 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are killed
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Chalana the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
BLITZ [#67]'s hero Chalana the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Psychic Beholders resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Lightbringers resisted.
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
4 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Optican
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Halwen Spectre resisted.
199 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
2 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
9 of BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Force Field
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Abominations resisted.
108 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
110 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Halwen Spectre resisted.
109 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Halwen Spectre resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
BLITZ [#67] has enchantment Halwen TransformationSome higher power is watching over the Halwen Spectres
Halwen Spectre had its unitattacktype2 changed to P.B mod:.B
Halwen Spectre had its dodge changed to 48.05 mod:-4
Halwen Spectre had its unitstrenght2 changed to 5610 mod:1.1
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
BLITZ [#67] Item /Spell
BLITZ [#67] [#67] used the item Shrouding Carpet
BLITZ [#67] [#67] finshed using the item Shrouding Carpet
BLITZ [#67] Cast Dart of filth
Psychic Beholders resisted.

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Blue Prism
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Blue Prism
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Mental Quagmire
You tried to cast Mental Quagmire , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
BLITZ [#67]'s army laughs at you
Talon [#27] sent you 1711 Changeling
No one bothered to help BLITZ [#67] [#67].

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers hits BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders hits BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers hits BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling hits BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
BLITZ [#67]'s Necromantis hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot

The battle begins!

BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
BLITZ [#67].'s Halwen Wraiths attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

BLITZ [#67]'s Necromantis attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot
BLITZ [#67].'s Necromantis attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot retaliates against the Necromantis
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 602 of BLITZ [#67]'s Necromantis

BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations kills 438 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders retaliates against the Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attack failed.

BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice kills 34 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers retaliates against the Cockatrice
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 17 of BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice

BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre kills 55 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 13 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre

Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders kills 1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 443 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 2651 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths

BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice kills 33 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers retaliates against the Cockatrice
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers kills 14 of BLITZ [#67]'s Cockatrice

Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling kills 1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations retaliates against the Changeling
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations kills 8 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling

Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108).'s Changeling attack failed
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations retaliates against the Changeling
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations kills 7 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Changeling

Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders kills 1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108).'s Sand Worms attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations retaliates against the Sand Worms
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations attack failed.

BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations kills 107 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders retaliates against the Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 189 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Halwen Spectre to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 263 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Halwen Spectre to strike back

BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre kills 17 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Halwen Spectre
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 12 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Spectre

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot kills 1 of BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations
BLITZ [#67]'s Abominations are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 87 Lightbringers.
12 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 595 Psychic Beholders.
44 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 67 Mind Flayers.
Bald Bull (#108) lost 256 Mammoth Maggot.
19 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 15 Changeling.
Defender's results
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 471 Halwen Spectre.
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 4 Abominations.
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 3516 Halwen Wraiths.
4 of BLITZ [#67]'s Halwen Wraiths are healed after battle
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 40 Cockatrice.
BLITZ [#67]'s lost 602 Necromantis.
You attacked BLITZ [#67] , and won the fight
930 of your 18342 units were killed
You gained 85 and destroyed 170 Land.
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BLITZ (#67)  WL Empty
PostSubject: Re: BLITZ (#67) WL   BLITZ (#67)  WL Icon_minitime

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BLITZ (#67) WL
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