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 Kalseru [#34]

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Number of posts : 14
Age : 37
Registration date : 2008-07-02

Kalseru [#34] Empty
PostSubject: Kalseru [#34]   Kalseru [#34] Icon_minitimeMon 7 Jul 2008 - 12:32

Time: Sun 07/06/08 19:14:32
Total power lost for defender (including land): 40,951
% lost for defender: 0
Total power lost for attacker: 744,000
% lost for attacker: 12

Attack Kalseru [#34] [ | | ||]
Ken-Oh (#114)'S Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
8 Nidhoggs 293662 50000 45 70 Normal 149767

Kalseru [#34]'S Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Death Knights 9196 2400 36 53 8000
A few Draug 225400 15000 36 68 150000
A pack of Mind Flayers 8820 750 37 52 5000
A horde of Mammoth Maggot 215 25 36 45 120
A pack of Ice Hexes 7799 1200 42 57 4000
A pack of Magmademons 10552 800 36 50 3300
A horde of Demonic Servant 155 35 43 40 150

Kalseru [#34] [#34] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Ysorka the Technomage makes his attack!
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Ysorka the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Ysorka the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Ysorka the Technomage used the ability Optican
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Clingwen the Hierophant makes his attack!
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Clingwen the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Clingwen the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Klakun the Champion makes his attack!
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Klakun the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Kalseru [#34]'s hero Klakun the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Your heroes believe this attack is a suicide mission and refuse to lead your army.
Adding Downhill Charge ability to Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34] has enchantment Maggot Infestation
Ken-Oh (#114) has enchantment Mountain Strength
Kalseru [#34] Item /Spell
No item
No spell

Ken-Oh (#114) Item /Spell
no item
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help Kalseru [#34] [#34].

Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs hits Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights
Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights couldn't reach anyone!
Kalseru [#34]'s Draug hits Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers hits Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mammoth Maggot couldn't reach anyone!
Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes hits Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Magmademons hits Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Demonic Servant hits Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs

The battle begins!

Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34].'s Ice Hexes attack failed
Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Kalseru [#34]'s Magmademons attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Magmademons kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Magmademons are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs attacks Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights
Nidhoggs gets diseased by Death Knights
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs kills 21 of Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights
Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights retaliates against the Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights attack failed.

Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs attacks Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights
Nidhoggs gets diseased by Death Knights
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs kills 2 of Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights
Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights retaliates against the Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights attack failed.

Kalseru [#34]'s Draug attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Draug kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Draug
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs attack failed.

Kalseru [#34]'s Demonic Servant attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Demonic Servant kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Demonic Servant are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Kalseru [#34]'s Draug attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Draug kills 2 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs retaliates against the Draug
Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs attack failed.

Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes attacks Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes kills 1 of Ken-Oh (#114)'s Nidhoggs
Kalseru [#34]'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Nidhoggs to strike back

Attacker's results:
Ken-Oh (#114) lost 8 Nidhoggs.
Defender's results
Kalseru [#34]'s lost 23 Death Knights.
2 of Kalseru [#34]'s Death Knights are healed after battle
You attacked with full force, but Kalseru [#34] kicked your ass!
8 of your 8 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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