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 SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]

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2 posters
Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeTue 1 Jul 2008 - 2:20

[ back ] | [ Refresh ] [ turn info ]
My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Mon 06/30/08 08:56:23
Total power lost for defender (including land): 72,001
% lost for defender: 1
Total power lost for attacker: 64,350
% lost for attacker: 0

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
5 Nidhoggs 316451 50000 45 70 Normal 166206
332 Death Knights 10126 2400 36 52 Normal 7821
35729 Likurian Thinkers 227 30 42 54 Normal 136

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 190608 24000 40 68 320000

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage makes his attack!
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero BaronAmiamici makes his attack!
1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero BaronAmiamici used the ability Field Marshall
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero BaronAmiamici used the ability Turn Undead
Nidhoggs resisted.
Nidhoggs resisted.
2 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are killed
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Enervate
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Pyrotech
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Fire shield
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
No spell

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Acid spraycan
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Acid spraycan
Talon (#27) Cast Dart of filth
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55].

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms hits Talon (#27)'s Death Knights

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Likurian Thinkers attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 29 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Nidhoggs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Death Knights attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Nidhoggs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 2 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 34 Death Knights.
1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are healed after battle
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 1 Sand Worms.
You lost SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]
33 of your 36066 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeTue 22 Jul 2008 - 0:38

[ back ] | [ Refresh ] [ turn info ]
My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Sun 07/20/08 20:36:54
Total power lost for defender (including land): 1,191,201
% lost for defender: 10
Total power lost for attacker: 161,200
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
70 Balrogs 171502 30000 36 68 Normal 73758
1353 Ice Hexes 11261 1200 41 51 Normal 3933
1501 Magmademons 13513 800 36 45 Normal 3311
55745 Likurian Thinkers 259 30 37 54 Normal 140
46602 Acid Beasts 275 10 36 40 Normal 127
5459 Chimeric Magicans 1837 90 44 40 Normal 953
146 Death Knights 11545 2400 36 52 Normal 7867

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 206277 24000 31 70 320000

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55] is affected by the wonder Obelisk of the Planes

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage makes his attack!
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Sarlacc the Technomage used the ability Optican
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Roline the Champion makes his attack!
1 of Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Roline the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Enervate
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Pyrotech
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Fire shield
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Force Field
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Chimeric Magicans
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
No spell

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Manual of Specialities
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Manual of Specialities
Talon (#27) Cast Steam Blast
Lord Xioshen [#40] doesn't have any army to spare
No one bothered to help SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55].

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Falcons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Acid Beasts ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Acid Beasts hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms hits Talon (#27)'s Balrogs

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Ice Hexes attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Balrogs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Balrogs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 8 of Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 2 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Acid Beasts attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Acid Beasts kills 2 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Acid Beasts are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Death Knights attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Magmademons attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Magmademons are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Chimeric Magicans attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Balrogs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Balrogs
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs uses first strike against the Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Balrogs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55].'s Sand Worms attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.

Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes kills 3 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Ice Hexes are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 8 Balrogs.
Talon (#27) lost 1 Ice Hexes.
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 12 Sand Worms.
1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are healed after battle
You attacked SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] , and won the fight
9 of your 110876 units were killed
You gained 114 and destroyed 226 Land.
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Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeSun 27 Jul 2008 - 21:54

Time: Sun 07/27/08 18:57:53
Total power lost for defender (including land): 216,001
% lost for defender: 2
Total power lost for attacker: 43,510
% lost for attacker: 0

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
72025 Winged Serpents 293 20 36 48 Normal 259
19 Sand Worms 253256 24000 36 70 Normal 346378
567 Storm Giant 6047 500 41 46 Normal 3901
2628 Chimeric Magicans 1850 90 40 40 Normal 1028
19539 Mammoth Maggot 211 25 32 46 Normal 129

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 207641 24000 33 63 320000
A pack of Winged Serpents 250 20 36 45 240

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55] is affected by the wonder Obelisk of the Planes

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Merurka the Jester makes his attack!
2 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Merurka the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Sand Worms resisted.
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Chimeric Magicans
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
You tried to cast Earthquake , but you didn't have enough mana

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Shrouding Carpet
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Shrouding Carpet
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Mental Quagmire
None of your allies bothered to help you.
Anthopos Lord of Idiots [#310] sent you 6436 Winged Serpents

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s War Falcons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Acid Beasts ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Falcons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Danskan Battlemagi ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Winged Serpents hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents

The battle begins!

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mammoth Maggot attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Chimeric Magicans attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents kills 2 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Winged Serpents
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 329 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents

Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Storm Giant attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Sand Worms attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55].'s Sand Worms attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Winged Serpents attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Winged Serpents kills 1160 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents retaliates against the Winged Serpents
Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents kills 1012 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Winged Serpents

Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Storm Giant attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Storm Giant are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Chimeric Magicans attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Chimeric Magicans are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55].'s Sand Worms attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 1489 Winged Serpents.
104 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Winged Serpents are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 2 Storm Giant.
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 3 Sand Worms.
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 1012 Winged Serpents.
You lost SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]
1387 of your 94778 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeTue 29 Jul 2008 - 2:34

[ back ] | [ Refresh ] [ turn info ]
My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Mon 07/28/08 14:09:48
Total power lost for defender (including land): 216,001
% lost for defender: 3

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
50910 Halwen Wraiths 568 0 35 47 Normal 194
18 Nidhoggs 336531 50000 43 70 Normal 170597
41350 Stone Gargoyles 312 40 35 40 Normal 145

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 218570 24000 34 66 320000

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55] is affected by the wonder Obelisk of the Planes

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Merurka the Jester makes his attack!
107 of Talon (#27)'s Halwen Wraiths are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Merurka the Jester used the ability Distract
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero grond the Executioner used the ability Frenzy
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Forest Walker
Talon [#27]'s hero mcCahan the Hierophant used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Distract
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Enervate
Talon [#27]'s hero Merwna the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Pyrotech
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Fire shield
Talon [#27]'s hero Pask0 used the ability Force Field
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
You tried to cast Earthquake , but you didn't have enough mana

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Manual of Specialities
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Manual of Specialities
Talon (#27) Cast Mind Blast
Sand Worms resisted.
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55].

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s War Falcons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Acid Beasts ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Falcons ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Danskan Battlemagi ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Talon (#27)'s Halwen Wraiths hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Stone Gargoyles hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms couldn't reach anyone!

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Halwen Wraiths attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Halwen Wraiths kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Nidhoggs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Stone Gargoyles attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Stone Gargoyles kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Stone Gargoyles
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 573 of Talon (#27)'s Stone Gargoyles

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27)'s 560 Halwen Wraiths are created in battle.
Talon (#27) lost 573 Stone Gargoyles.
67 of Talon (#27)'s Stone Gargoyles are healed after battle
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 3 Sand Worms.
You lost SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]
0 of your 92278 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Ruling Council
Ruling Council

Number of posts : 197
Age : 53
Registration date : 2008-04-06

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeWed 6 Aug 2008 - 3:27

Time: Tue 08/05/08 21:28:47
Total power lost for defender (including land): 217,096
% lost for defender: 3
Total power lost for attacker: 59,658
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Bald Bull (#108)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
2845 Lightbringers 6802 450 40 42 Normal 3183
8 Sand Worms 258321 24000 35 61 Stand 416160
1806 Psychic Beholders 1878 240 30 46 Normal 1324
439 Mind Flayers 9762 750 32 48 Normal 5412
15235 Mammoth Maggot 215 25 29 40 Normal 132

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 194186 24000 32 62 326400
Army Dune Buggies 308 40 39 42 190
A few Archers 110 0 36 40 60

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55] is affected by the wonder Obelisk of the Planes

Bald Bull (#108) [#108] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Gomalol the Technomage makes his attack!
11 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Gomalol the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Gomalol the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Contertor the Hierophant makes his attack!
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Contertor the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Rira the Lifemonger makes his attack!
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Rira the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Herbalism
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Cerule the Technomage used the ability Optican
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Turn Undead
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Vaowia the Visionary used the ability Optican
117 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
99 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
113 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
96 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Distract
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich makes his attack!
128 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Enervate
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Poul the Lich used the ability Dark Mantra
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Mistlayer
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Ashurra the Lifemonger used the ability Force Field
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion makes his attack!
77 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Inspiration
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Crimini the Champion used the ability Field Marshall
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer makes his attack!
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Pyrotech
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Fire shield
Bald Bull [#108]'s hero Bralyan the Pyromancer used the ability Force Field
Dune Buggies resisted.
149 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
161 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
200 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Sand Worms resisted.
183 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
Sand Worms resisted.
157 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are killed
Sand Worms resisted.
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Adding Healing ability to Lightbringers
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108) has enchantment Desert's Learning Curve
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Cast Earthquake
5 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are killed
Sand Worms resisted.
25 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are killed
3 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are killed
280 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are killed

Bald Bull (#108) Item /Spell
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] used the item Sticky Gue
Bald Bull (#108) [#108] finshed using the item Sticky Gue
Bald Bull (#108) Cast Mental Quagmire
You tried to cast Mental Quagmire , but the barriers were too high and your spell fizzled
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s army laughs at you
None of your allies bothered to help you.
Anthopos Lord of Idiots [#310] sent you 100 Archers

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Ornithopters ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies
Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Archers hits Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders

The battle begins!

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mind Flayers attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mind Flayers attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Mind Flayers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Psychic Beholders attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Archers attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55].'s Archers attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Archers are too far away for the Psychic Beholders to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 55 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers retaliates against the Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms kills 765 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies retaliates against the Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies attack failed.

Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Psychic Beholders attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies attacks Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55].'s Dune Buggies attack failed
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Dune Buggies
Bald Bull (#108)'s Sand Worms kills 88 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies

Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Bald Bull (#108).'s Mammoth Maggot attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms are paralyzed and unable to retaliate

Attacker's results:
Bald Bull (#108) lost 63 Lightbringers.
4 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Lightbringers are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 36 Psychic Beholders.
2 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Psychic Beholders are healed after battle
Bald Bull (#108) lost 3 Mind Flayers.
Bald Bull (#108) lost 280 Mammoth Maggot.
21 of Bald Bull (#108)'s Mammoth Maggot are healed after battle
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 2 Sand Worms.
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 2333 Dune Buggies.
118 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Dune Buggies are healed after battle
You lost SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]
355 of your 20333 units were killed
You attacked, but failed in the attempt
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Al thor

Number of posts : 635
Age : 58
Registration date : 2007-06-29

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitimeThu 7 Aug 2008 - 2:33

[ back ] | [ Refresh ] [ turn info ]
My attacks
Let opponent see report
Time: Wed 08/06/08 13:11:06
Total power lost for defender (including land): 614,101
% lost for defender: 9
Total power lost for attacker: 85,714
% lost for attacker: 1

Attack SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [ | | ||]

Talon (#27)'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Tactic Hitpoints
8 Nidhoggs 343584 50000 45 70 Normal 170597
569 Death Knights 11438 2400 36 52 Normal 8028
37116 Likurian Thinkers 367 30 33 48 Normal 140
2427 Wandering Sorcerer 3463 100 40 32 Normal 903

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Army:
Number Unitname Strength Counter Accuracy Dodge Hitpoints
A few Sand Worms 226600 24000 36 65 326400

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55] is affected by the wonder Obelisk of the Planes

Talon (#27) [#27] is affected by the wonder Elite training ground
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Contertor the Hierophant makes his attack!
1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are killed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Contertor the Hierophant used the ability Herbalism
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Rira the Lifemonger makes his attack!
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s hero Rira the Lifemonger used the ability Defence
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Enchanter
Talon [#27]'s hero NinetyOne the Planeswalker used the ability Inspiration
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester makes his attack!
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Distract
Talon [#27]'s hero Varda Elentári the Jester used the ability Lullaby
Adding Healing ability to Sand Worms
Talon (#27) has enchantment Mountain Strength
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Item /Spell
No item
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Cast Earthquake
Nidhoggs resisted.
Death Knights resisted.
361 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are killed
44 of Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer are killed

Talon (#27) Item /Spell
Talon (#27) [#27] used the item Giant Growth
Talon (#27) [#27] finshed using the item Giant Growth
Talon (#27) Cast Steam Blast
None of your allies bothered to help you.
No one bothered to help SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] [#55].

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Ornithopters ran away in fear of the powerful army facing them
Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer hits SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms hits Talon (#27)'s Death Knights

The battle begins!

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Nidhoggs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers kills 2 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 33 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Wandering Sorcerer attack failed
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

Talon (#27)'s Nidhoggs attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Nidhoggs attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Nidhoggs
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27).'s Death Knights attack failed
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms retaliates against the Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attack failed.

Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer attacks SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer kills 1 of SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer are too far away for the Sand Worms to strike back

SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms attacks Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms kills 2 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s Sand Worms's comes out in the open.
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights retaliates against the Sand Worms
Talon (#27)'s Death Knights attack failed.

Attacker's results:
Talon (#27) lost 36 Death Knights.
1 of Talon (#27)'s Death Knights are healed after battle
Talon (#27) lost 361 Likurian Thinkers.
13 of Talon (#27)'s Likurian Thinkers are healed after battle
Talon (#27) lost 44 Wandering Sorcerer.
1 of Talon (#27)'s Wandering Sorcerer are healed after battle
Defender's results
SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]'s lost 4 Sand Worms.
You attacked SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] , and won the fight
426 of your 40120 units were killed
You gained 94 and destroyed 186 Land.
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SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Empty
PostSubject: Re: SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]   SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55] Icon_minitime

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SirJoeTheCountOfAncariana [#55]
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