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 Ranks within forum.

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Paladin Commander
Paladin Commander

Number of posts : 55
Age : 43
Registration date : 2007-07-06

Ranks within forum. Empty
PostSubject: Ranks within forum.   Ranks within forum. Icon_minitimeThu 7 Feb 2008 - 0:43

Ok everybody, I just thought it would be fun to add some icons and ranks for how many posts you have on this page. I have not decided if I (depending on what others think, etc.) want to keep it totally based on how our hierarchy is on the guild page in game or to put in some surprise ranks that only show up for maybe 10 posts, but meant to be fun.

Like, you are a nothing until you post at least once. A 'noob' after posting once. A paladin after posting 15 times. Well, you get the idea. Now, the fun part would be to make it so that say, from post numbers 20-25 you are a flame eater. Maybe from 40-45, you are a rug muncher, just some lewd, off-beat ideas to make it more fun in here.

The idea of more fun can be done a few ways. The most important thing is to get more people posting Battle Reports, right?

I don't like the icons that it gives. Was thinking on some Flames, maybe color coordinated, but same icon or something. The ones provided here do not quite do OSF justice. Or maybe weapons.

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