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 Oracle item strategy

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PostSubject: Oracle item strategy   Oracle item strategy Icon_minitimeThu 5 Jul 2007 - 18:46

Thanks to APF for this strategy, sent to the guild (servertime) Wed Jul 4 21:18:51
APFSDS-T [#70] wrote:
Here's how I get stuff from the oracle, I'm not saying it's the easiest or cheapest, if you use another way then I'm interested in hearing from you.

First donate 1% of your gold 5 times and then donate 10% of your gold 1 time. If this doesn't give you anything repeat the process from the beginning. Be aware that after the 10% gold donation any of the following 1% donations can give you a result.

If you have 100 mill gold you should donate 100.000 gold 5 times (to the same wonder of course). Then you donate 10 mill gold and if you get no result you begin with 1% donations again.

As far as I know there is no lower limit of donations. Today I got a result when I donated 1.2mill gold as my 10% donation.

Remember that you can only get something from the oracle once per 24 hours.
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PostSubject: Re: Oracle item strategy   Oracle item strategy Icon_minitimeThu 5 Jul 2007 - 22:49

Thx, you saved me from having to write the stuff again Razz
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Master C

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PostSubject: Re: Oracle item strategy   Oracle item strategy Icon_minitimeMon 24 Sep 2007 - 3:45

Also if you get the message Im sorry but at this point the oracle cannot do anything for you... the voices are silent... Do two things

1.) Check to make sure you didn't get a reward in the past 24 hrs. If you did stop there.
2.) IF YOU HAVEN"T GOTTEN A REWARD IN THE PAST 24 HOURS try donating another 5 mil gold. Everytime I have done this with the exception of 1 it has worked (tested it around 10 time now) Always recieved the prize of 130 mil gold to 220 gold.

Also different strategy for when you have more gold:
Donate 15 mil 3-5 times and you get a reward... this is just an alternative way to donate if you have more geld. I have also found that donating 5 mil the same way works, as does 10 mil, pretty much any even sum OVER 5 mil works... 5 mil normally gives gold, 15 mil. give a hero enchantment or spell level increase, and 10 mil gives what ever it wants Razz
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PostSubject: Re: Oracle item strategy   Oracle item strategy Icon_minitimeSat 10 Nov 2007 - 18:12

I suspect it can be other combinations too.

I routinely donate 2% 3 times then 4% once. This works most of the time for me. When I haven't received an award after the 4% donation I go back to 2% and it's usually enough.

If I have a lot of gold I look for something at the market being bid on that I can outbid on. Then I quickly make my donations and hopefully I then get my bidding gold back when the origional bidder outbids again.
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PostSubject: Re: Oracle item strategy   Oracle item strategy Icon_minitime

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